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Is Our Search For Power Driven By 3D Ego Or 5D Soul?

By on December 14, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Is Our Search For Power Driven By 3D Ego Or 5D Soul?

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Jaimie Kulikowski,
Contributing writer,

The answer is…both.


The third law of physics is for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When energies are different and the same simultaneously, they can oftentimes look and feel very similar. The ego and soul are equal and exact opposites. Both energies are equal in that they are yin (black feminine source) and yang (white masculine spirit). Where their opposition comes in is in the way they treat each other. In ego, masculine and feminine are at war. Spirit is out in front, dominating and controlling to the point that source gets frozen. In soul, masculine and feminine are at peace. Source is out in front, open and receptive while spirit is responsive with conscious action. When it comes to the human experience, it can be hard to discern if we are being driven by our warring ego or our peaceful soul. It depends on which of our dimensions is out in front.

I was recently talking about the healing modality I practice with a young man and he asked, “Why do people want power?” I immediately started talking about our ego and how our world is being dominated by ego’s hunger for power. Then he explained how he was drawn to power. He said, “There was just a stirring inside of me that knew.” My reply to that was, “Oh, well in that case, you were led by your soul.”

Our 4th dimension of feminine source is the stirring within us that just knows our life’s path and is certain we are going to be alright as we travel on it. When we allow ourselves to be guided by our inner knowing, we are being led by soul because source is in front of spirit. Masculine spirit is the stirring around us that just knows we have been here before and have suffered. Masculine’s energy essence is protection. When we allow ourselves to be guided by our external knowing, we are being led by ego because spirit is in front of source. Our ancestral spirit guides have their shields up at this point in space and time because they have been not only hurt, but killed, by war too many times.

When at war, we see power through the lens of a starving person who is fighting for survival. There is not enough power to go around. We have to get it by dominating, controlling, and winning. Power is achieved through force in the warring ego. When at peace, we see power through the lens of a full person who is looking for truth. There is more than enough power to go around. We find it by connecting, releasing, and sharing. Power is created through surrender in the peaceful soul.

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Therefore, in ego, we are power hungry and our wounded masculine spirit guides are out in front. The need to control and win prevails. In soul, we are power seeking and our rejuvenating feminine source guide is out in front. The need for connection and relationship prevails.


The process of awakening is one of getting in touch with and integrating these equal and opposite dimensions that are within and around our human energy bodies. At this point in space and time, everyone has an ego and everyone has a soul. There is no shame in being driven to power by 3D ego.


The human experience has been trapped in it for about 59,000 years. There is also no reverence in being driven to power by soul. The soul is not an energy we look up to as it is within and all around. Integration takes time. What we are being called to do in the beginning of this New Earth era is to start recognizing which dimension is out in front in our search for power. Are we being controlled by wounded spirits or led by wise source?

The opportunity we have each time we discover we are being controlled by wounded spirits is to figure out the cause of and story around the wounds in order to bring them into consciousness and let them out.

About the author: Jaimie Kulikowski is a soul counselor and founder of Source Energy Medicine. Her practice is going to start offering an Emotional Release Portal for people to “let them out”. Please visit her at

Image: Pixabay

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