Search Results for 'Out of body experience'

What Is An Out Of Body Experience (OBE)?
The out of body experience (OBE) is the experience of moving away from the body so it is difficult for the scientists to record these experiences easily and measure their results because they are subjective. As a result scientists can study these cases indirectly by examining records of people who have had an OBE. Out-of-body […]

Out of Body Experience Guided Meditation
This is an Out of Body Experience guided spiritual meditation to help those wishing to achieve and out of body experience in their home and astral travel to the astral spirit planes to meet spirit guides, angels and some loved ones if possible. There are many different types of techniques and meditations. Use the ones […]

How To Have An Out Of Body Experience – The First Steps
aving an out of body experience or learning how to astral travel may be easier than you think!

Ascension Symptoms: Out Of Body Experiences
There will be more out-of-body experiences as cellular transformation occurs. This experience will also be accepted more by the public in general. It will be accomplished by more people and the experience will become more popular and will become more fun as more people experience it. More out-of body experiences have already been increasing for many as there is a thinning in the veil.

Out Of Body Experience: Man Traveled To Space And Saw Incredible Things
by Sherrie Ever wanted to travel outside your own body to view a remote location? Well, many of us have wanted to do this very thing, laying prone on the bed reaching for the heightened state of euphoria. The thing is, someone has already done this! There is a man who has crossed space to […]

What Techniques Work Best For Inducing an Out of Body Experience?
by C.Taylor The Seven Most Effective Techniques for Inducing an Out of Body Experience Firstly, it is important to say that before attempting to use any of the Techniques for inducing an Out of Body Experience, you should be fully-relaxed in mind and body. contains lots of information and tips in order to reach […]

In5D Radio – William Buhlman – The Out Of Body Experience- Ep. #13
On Monday June 17, 2013, In5D Radio’s special guest was William Buhlman, who is America’s leading expert in the field of out of body experiences Often abbreviated either OBE or OOBE). Wiliiam gives presentations at the Monroe Institute and if the name sounds familiar, then you are correct. Robert Monroe brought the OBE / OOBE experience to light with his groundbreaking epic novel called “Journeys Out of the Body”.

How To Have An Out-Of-Body Experience (OBE or OOBE)
Many people try to induce OBEs without success because they don’t know what to do. Unfortunately, most books on the subject don’t contain instructions. The few books that contain instructions are typically vague and incomplete. In the exercises given with each chapter, I have already suggested many things to try. In this chapter, I want to fill in some of the gaps, and also provide a detailed description of my most successful method. Of course, I can’t guarantee positive results. Your success depends on the amount of effort you put forth.

New Moon In Cancer – Coming Out Of Our Shell
Happy New Moon in Cancer! This New Moon at nearly 25 degrees of Cancer becomes exact at 2:32 PM New York time (18:32 GMT) today, on Monday, July 17, 2023.

Detox Like a Rockstar – Top 10 Supplements To Detoxify Heavy Metals From Your Body!
Are you tired of feeling like a roadie carrying around all that heavy metal in your body? It’s time to put down the air guitar and pick up a detox plan. Say goodbye to those rock n’ roll excesses and hello to a lighter, metal-free you. So don’t be a groupie to toxins any longer, let’s rock this detox!

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams
Welcome to the world of dreams, where the mind takes flight and the imagination runs wild. This mysterious realm is filled with endless possibilities, and holds within its depths secrets waiting to be unlocked. As we delve deeper into the world of sleep, we uncover a wealth of astonishing facts about the dream state, from […]

Full Moon In Virgo & Equinox New Year: New Routines
Happy Full Moon in Virgo! This Full Moon becomes exact on Friday, March 18 at 3:18 AM New York Time (7:18 GMT).

Near Death Experiences: ALL You Need To Know!
There is a spiritual awakening going on right now in mass proportions and is growing exponentially. By the end of this near death experience (NDE) video, you’ll have no doubts about our true, divine reason for being here. You’ll feel uplifted and re-energized! Please share this with others!

New Moon In Virgo Trines Uranus: Logic, Planning, Breaking Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Happy New Moon in Virgo! This New Moon became exact at 8:51 PM New York time on Monday, September 6 (00:51 GMT on September 7). This New Moon in the detailed and picky mutable earth sign of Virgo forms a harmonious, nearly exact trine (just 1 minute of orb) to freedom-loving, adventurous Uranus, which is still Retrograde in Taurus.

Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius: Breaking Out Of The Cage
Lunar Eclipse in Sag! If you’re living in the United States like I am, you’ll probably notice that 2020 has gotten even stranger. After a white Minneapolis cop murdered an unarmed black man last week, deadly riots have erupted in cities around the country, stretching on for days with no end in sight. It’s a scene not seen since the 1960s.

SCHUMANN SLAM! WHITEOUT With Near RECORD Schumann Frequencies!
BAM! Have you seen the latest Schumann Resonance charts? Whenever you see these white patches on the Schumann Resonance charts, you know that an energy wave is going through. Sometimes, these waves are waves of LITERAL energy while other times, they knock your ass out!

Super Full Moon In Leo: Inner Child Comes Out
Happy Super Full Moon in Leo! This Full Moon becomes exact at 2:33 AM New York time on Sunday, February 9 (8:33 GMT). This moon is the 4th-closest to the Earth of all the moons this year, making it a borderline Super Moon. The closer the moon is to the earth, the more powerful its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual effects are.

The Multidimensional Ascension Experience
Multidimensional Ascension Experience – People forget that our human aspect is a mere fractal of who we really are. So much energy and emotion pour into this human linear experience. People often wonder what their life purpose is, what they should be “doing” as if surviving the density of 3D and trying to ascend out isn’t enough. The work we do in the higher realms is powerful.

Everything Will Come Out Of The Closet
Let’s be honest, EVERYONE has SOMETHING in their closet.,, something that you’re too embarrassed to talk about. It could be something along the lines of the inability of expressing your true emotions, being sexually abused as a child, being bullied, being the bully, a secret drug addition, a fetish, feeling guilt about being a bad parent to your child, etc… Whatever it is, ultimately, you’re afraid of what other people might think about you or for how people will see how you truly are.

Doubting Yourself And Your Spiritual Experiences?
Doubting Yourself And Your Spiritual Experiences? There is something about us lightworker’s that makes us continuously stall. Continuously worry, doubt, fear and re-think what our gut is telling us. Has this been your experience? If so, lets all put down our tarot cards and astrological charts and see where the answers lie; within our bodies.

All About Ghosts!
Ghosts do telepathy and telekinesis. They are the highest life form on planet earth. They are arguably, by a very significant margin, the people who are responsible for the direction of affairs of planet Earth. ‘We live in a ghosts world’.

What I Have Channeled About Soul Lovers And Soul Children
Our divine partners have all our codes and we have all theirs. It is like a duplicate soul. We not only have the same structure, but also the life purpose code to fulfill. Our life purpose is high-vibrational.

My Ayahuasca Experiences
I did my first 2 day Ayahuasca retreat last year in August of 2018. In that first 2 day ceremony, I didn’t have nearly as much happen as this one. Mostly what I remember that happened was the first night I received a very powerful neurological pathways activation in my head. It was during the part of the ceremony where the shaman did the healing. It was such a powerful activation that I was out of it the rest of the time there.