Search Results for 'starseed'
Spirit Chat – Signs You’re A Starseed
Take the quiz with us! If you can answer “yes” to even half of these, there is a good chance you are starseed. If you have answered 35 or more of these in the affirmative, you most likely are starseed, especially if you answer “yes” to some of the deeper traits, such as those in numbers 6, 22 to 27, 29, 42, and 50.
Starseeds And Our Human Origins
What is a starseed? Better yet, who is a star seed? If you trace the origins of human lineage, you end up with a plethora of questions. We were seeded here from various star nations. In this premise, genetic and ethnic diversity is explained. It also covers the differences in our blood types, such as Rh negative, Rh positive, A, B, AB and O blood types.
Starseed Syndrome Characteristics
Starseed Syndrome has to be healed. This lack of self acceptance has to be met with compassion for a change. You’re a beautiful being who has sacrificed much to come to earth to help those who are mean to you. That’s an incredible act of love and courage.
Starseeds And Our Human Origins
Starseeds and our Human Origins. Where did we come from? How did we get here? Did we all come from Adam and Eve or did the Anunnaki create an Adama Race of slaves to mine gold for them? Is it possible that various star nations such as the Pleiades and Andromeda seeded us here?
In5D Live With Matthew John – Starseeds & 2020 Energies
In5D Contributing Writer Matthew John joins Gregg Prescott for a chat about Starseeds and the energies of 2020.
Ascension Support Checklist For Starseeds And Lightworkers
As the energy waves continue to flood the planet and as the planetary frequencies of unity and love continue to rise, many others will be guided to begin their journeys of awakening in earnest. The following is a list of things that have assisted us (my wife and I) on our own personal journeys. Please take what resonates and leave the rest behind.
It’s Time, Starseeds!
Starseeds are beings that heard the call from Earth from a council that oversees this planet. They are here to stop the lower consciousness from destroying itself and all its creation.
A Starseed Awakening
She sits next to me on my bed, telling me her memories of the Star System, Sirius. Not the typical eight-year-old in my book, with her face resonating more Amerindian ancestry than the Afro-Caribbean and Irish that is also in her DNA. “We never used to pay for anything on Sirius!” she says assuredly. “You never had to steal anything on Sirius because all you had to do was go into a store and ask for something and it would be given to you, as long as you ask.” Her voice is so sure I accepted her story as the truth.
Starseed Mission Disclosed In The Show ‘The 4400’
I LOVED this show when it first came out! Unfortunately, it took a dark turn at the end of it, but if the producers were smart, they would have kept it going on a positive note…and it would still be running! Interestingly, the writer/producer of The 4400 is Scott Peters. An anagram of his name is […]
Starseed Mission Disclosure in the Show ‘Travelers’
by Jonathan Carty, Contributing Writer, In my research so far I have found very few shows which depict the specific subject of the ‘Starseed Mission’ so accurately than in this show called ‘Travelers’. While browsing Netflix in the last few weeks I was ‘guided’ to take a peek at this show and was immediately captured by […]
New Earth News – Update On ‘The Wave’- April Fool’s Or A Starseed Call To Action?
Messages from the higher realms had indicated there was a very high probability that a huge wave of loving and transformational energy would sweep across the planet by the end of March of this year. The increasingly closer possibility was pushing the collective toward high hopes of change soon in our reality. Was it just another foolish prediction, or instead is it a measure of our manifestation capability as a collective?
How Do You Know If You Are A Starseed Or Starlighted Soul?
by The Guiding Lighted Network, Guest writer(s), Many of us have asked this very question countless times. Starseeds are naturally inclined to be Healers and have natural Psychic abilities from childhood. They are usually the “misfits”, the “Black Sheep”, the “wallflowers”, and the “weirdos”; with odd personalities and an exceptionally goofy off beat sense […]
How Do You Know If You Are A Starseed Or Starlighted Soul?
by The Guiding Lighted Network, Guest writer(s), Many of us have asked this very question countless times. Starseeds are naturally inclined to be Healers and have natural Psychic abilities from childhood. They are usually the “misfits”, the “Black Sheep”, the “wallflowers”, and the “weirdos”; with odd personalities and an exceptionally goofy off beat sense […]
Quiz – Are You a Starseed?
by Ragnarok Are you of non-terrestrial reincarnational origin? Since I first started doing past-life regressions a few years ago I have known that my spiritual origins are not Earth-bound. In my researches I have come to understand that there are a number of soul types here. The one I want to talk about are “Starseeds” […]
Starseeds, Star Beings, Ethereal Beings: Imprints Vs. Past Lives And Previous Reincarnations
by Olga Star, Contributing writer, As we are shifting into higher dimensions, more and more of us are realizing about our past existences, our true nature as well as receiving glimpses and feelings that we may feel related to Lemuria or Atlantis or Ancient Egypt. Many of us feel strongly about our previous reincarnations […]
Starseeds: Collective And Angels
by Olga Star, Contributing writer, As a Starseed perhaps you are familiar with Angels and yet somewhat less familiar with the word Collective. And yet you feel there is more to you, there is a bigger ‘I’ for you. If you strongly believe such is the case, there is big likelihood that it is […]
Starseeds’ Collective Energy: What’s That?
by Olga Star, Contributing writer, Many Starseeds and many Earth seeds are aware of something they commonly refer to as their spirit guides, beings they communicate with or beings they channel. Yet there is something that feels big and feels ‘YOU’. It almost feels like an extension of your ‘I’, or powerful influence that […]
Parenting Tips for Starseeds
by Nadine Alexander, Contributing Writer, Let’s clear the air before I proceed with the topic at hand please. I struggle with titles like the one for this article. For starters, I do not have all the answers. I don’t think that I am the epitome of perfect parenting. My desire is to offer insight into […]
How Starseeds Light The Path To Authentic Freedom
by Brandy Gray, Contributing Writer, One by one, human beings who choose to live and lead a life differently and uniquely than all the rest, abiding by freedoms of being, thinking, and living that transcend their present cultural belief systems, restrictions and paradigms, typically are taking on the blessing and burden of a futuristic wisdom […]
How Starseeds Can Ask For Help From Angelic Realms
by Olga Star, Contributing writer, More and more Starseeds are becoming aware of the fact they come from another planet or another planetary (not solar) system. Which makes many of them re-ask questions that they thought they had found answers to before. When it comes to Angels and Archangels, many Starseeds don’t realise that […]
Starseeds And Starbeings
by Olga Star, Contributing writer, Perhaps you yourself did not feel you fit well on earth or perhaps you have met people who you believe are not humans at all, or perhaps you’ve heard time and time again the word Starseed. In very simple terms, Starseeds are not of Human descendance. Though there is […]
Starseed ‘Proof’ And Changing The 3D
How do I know if I’m Starseed? Where’s the ‘proof’? Here’s a look at what the word ‘Starseed’ may mean – why ‘proof’ is relevant (yet completely irrelevant) and how as Starseeds we can work together to change the collective 3D Consciousness. by Naomi Cook, ‘Nurse Naomi’ – Founder of Project Starseed Contributing Writer, […]
Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing
Coming out’ as Starseed is the new Gay – loads of us are doing it and it can be a healing process to do so, here’s why
Blissful Energy Hitting All Starseeds
Tonight blissful energy is streaming in from the Cosmos. This energy comes from the Divine Creator and the Galactics.