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A Manifesting Prayer for Ascending Earth And The Waking Up Parts of Humanity

By on January 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A Manifesting Prayer for Ascending Earth And The Waking Up Parts of Humanity

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by Andriana Eloha,
Contributing Writer,

From the eternal knowing of my Heart I choose to return to and be what I am as I am seen and known by the Source of all that is.


From the pure state of my original awareness, self-love, and unconditional self-acceptance, I choose the experience of peace, harmony, and clarity for every part of my Being, both physical and non-physical.

I am sending my blessings and appreciation to the Consciousness and the Heart of the Earth, and to the entire Unity Grid around Her. These blessings will carry the images of abundance of joy, expansion of consciousness, awareness, peace, and wisdom of my heart.

I bless the Unity Consciousness of the Sun of our Solar system and the Heart-Consciousness of the Central Galactic Sun with pure Love and Light, pure joy and pure harmony.

I allow this flow of love and appreciation to circulate between me, the Heart of the Earth, the Consciousness of the Sun and the Central Galactic Sun on a daily basis now. I am a part of this divine circle, where I receive and send forward the Light of who I Am.

I forgive myself for being anything other than my truth and I now allow my truth to become fully known to me in its every aspect and expression. I forgive myself for giving away my power to any external source, whether I did it consciously or unconsciously. All my power that I have ever given away, I am now returning back to myself in its original, untainted form. My power is the truth of who I am, its source is the Light and Awareness, which can not be fought or defeated, it can only be confused. This confusion is over, I choose clarity over confusion, I choose awareness over following any suggested patterns of thought, behavior and perception. I now recognize myself as a Sovereign Evolving Being of Light. I now declare that nobody other than myself can own my free will, no matter who or what these beings, entities, forces, and influences are.

I now bless my Heart with pure Love and Light, pure Source Awareness, pure divine harmony and balance. From this place of divine balance within the sacred place of my heart, I am calling for full restoration of my connection with the Nature, the Heart of the Earth, the Heart of the Sun, and my daily heart-to-heart communication with Their Divine, Powerful and immensely loving Beings.


I allow and ask the Divine Consciousness of the Earth and Divine Consciousness of the Sun to get in touch with me in a way that will make me aware of my Sacred, Loving Union with Each of Them, my Heart, and with all my Higher Aspects, so that all of us start exchanging loving and joyful support and smiles with each other, whenever and wherever such support is required by any of us.

With love and understanding I give my full permission to my Higher Self to change and transform in me and my reality all that, which from Its point of view, needs to be changed and transformed into a more harmonious, healthier, and higher vibratory state. I am asking my Higher Self to perform this transformation in the most harmonious for me way possible.

I now invite all my helping Angels and all Angels and Beings whose actions and intentions come from the Unity and Heart Consciousness and who exist in harmony with the Law of the One, to step forward and do whatever it takes to awaken within me, the divine and timeless awareness and hidden Heart memories of my divine multidimensional nature, my psychic abilities, and awarenesses that have been dormant or blocked, to make it impossible and undoable for the anti-consciousness and all its parasitic forces and their channels, on Earth and beyond it, to suppress, cancel, divert or manipulate the revelation, broadcasting, and spread of the truth coming directly from the Source, from my Higher Aspects, from the Central Galactic Sun, and Higher Dimensional Beings who understand and act in harmony with the Law of the One, and whose awareness and power come from Love-Light Consciousness and Awareness.

I am also asking all my supporting and helping Angels and those, who operate from the Heart and Unity Consciousness to activate discernment, and instant, undeniable, unmanipulatable, intuitive awareness of what is true and what isn’t, within me and across the entire collective of humankind, regarding any incoming, upcoming, already spread, and being broadcasted information which goal is manipulation, deceit, and suppression of my own Awakening and Ascension and also the Awakening and Ascension of humankind.

I am inviting Higher Dimensional Love and Light Beings to re-introduce the confused parts of the humankind to the lost dreamtime and divine imagination for the purpose of choosing and creating the present and future which is based on joyful elevation and expansion of Consciousness and harmony with ourselves, with each other, with the Nature, the Earth, the Galactic Consciousness, and the Source of all that is.

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I now choose and allow myself to start using my creative imagination in a constructive way as it was originally meant to be, so that I start spontaneously activating my individual and planetary present and future that is based on divine balance, beauty and heart-love between the masculine and the feminine. I choose the present and future for myself, everyone and everything else on the planet, where beauty, appreciation, cooperation, abundance, creativity, truth, freedom of being, freedom and joy of self expression, consistent, uninterrupted expansion of consciousness and awareness, and personal unique truth of each individual is celebrated and is a part of everyday reality. I choose the present and future where I am and we are fully in touch with our truth and are in loving mutual communication with all life forms everywhere. I choose the present and the future, where human hearts are linked together in love, trust, gratitude, balance, respect, laughter, harmony, wisdom, and effortless support of each other. And from that circle of our joined hearts, I see us connecting to the Divine Heart of the Earth and to the Hearts of all Suns and Stars, and also to the Heart of the Source from where all Life originated. And within this Heart grid we are allowing the Divine, Harmonious image of that present and future become our new actualized reality.

Through every lie

Will shine the light

That is a mystery for human mind…

Through every cell will ring the bell

To wake the voice of every man

To join light, to travel light, to drop all that

Which is not right.

And every woman on this planet

Will shine the truth for the millennia

On all the things that were hidden,

On that which shouldn’t be forbidden,

On that which hurt the living heart

Of many mysteries of Light.

The balance should have been restored,

But it was broken and distorted.

The chances are it’ll be brought forward.

You can’t be powerful creators

If you refuse initiate it.

Andriana Eloha

About the author: Andriana’s main life and professional activity has always been focused on Consciousness, Human Potential, Personal Development, Evolution, and how one’s mind, and different levels of Consciousness manifest corresponding nature of reality. She is also gifted in the area of Arts and has a talent for uniting concrete, linear, fragmented, and logical with expanded, creative, and seemingly illogical, a big picture where all connections exist and function at the same time. She has integrated the results of her extensive studies into her current practice, which together with her Personal and Spiritual awareness evolves and expands on a continuous basis. It is her natural choice and a blessing to all her clients.

Andriana works with various modalities (among which are Transformational Imagery, EFT, Energetic NLP, Past life regression and regression to one’s Source Origin (many people don’t have past lives), Sedona Method, and for the most part – her own Higher Consciousness Toolkit). She also utilizes practical knowledge of the latest research and discoveries made in the fields of Psychology, Quantum Physics, Energy Psychology, Brain Science, Physiology, Microbiology, and Neuroscience.

Image: Pixabay

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