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Transformative Angel Message For The Week #6

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Angel Message For The Week

by Elise Cantrell,
Contributing Writer,

Transformative Angel Message For The Week

Your earth is known as an advanced school in which love is the primary curriculum. Many of you believe we are here to teach you about love, but, you are the ones who help us come to know and understand love. We watch as you tenderly hold a child and rock it to sleep.

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We see you gaze into the depths of your lover’s eyes. We watch you sink to your knees when a loved one is gravely ill. We see your bliss in the embrace of your soulmate. We watch your face light up when a special someone enters the room. We’ve seen one man take a bullet in order to save his comrades on the battlefield.

We observe as you lean into a friend’s suffering, offering to share in the burden, and lift them from despair. We watch you struggle when someone you love struggles. We see you cry because of someone else’s tears. We watch you sit at the bedside of an elder holding their lifeless hand as they pass from the earth plane into eternity.

We watch in anticipation as an infant breathes its first breath and is placed in the arms of its overjoyed parents. We look on as you love a stranger by hearing their story and offering assistance, money, or advice as if they themselves were your beloved. We are greatly moved by your love.

We acknowledge that humans have a capacity for love that is even greater than their fear, pain or suffering.

You choose love again and again, regardless of of the possibility of disappointment, grief or loss. You give all for love. You will stop at nothing for love. You loose yourself in love. You throw your hearts into situations in which you have everything to loose.

The cumulative love on your planet far outweighs dark tendencies. You look to us for advice on love, but it is we who look to you to show us what love truly is. You are here to let love evolve and expand through you, and with it, you too are expanded and evolved. We admire your courage and determination, and refusal to give up when it comes to love. We celebrate love with you. It is you who teach the cosmos. It is you who show the way.

“Rise and Shine!”

Elise Cantrell

Angel Message For The Week

Now available on Amazon: Angel Thoughts: Inspiration Peace by Peace “Life is meant to be lived “peace by peace.” Artist, author and angels have joined together to create a masterPEACE of heavenly proportions! You will be uplifted and inspired by the angelic wisdom, images and transmissions that fill the pages. You too were divinely designed open your wings and soar!” FACEBOOK: | FACEBOOK: | FACEBOOK: | INSTAGRAM: | TWITTER: | Websites: |

Image: Pixabay

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In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

Angel messages are a powerful tool for those seeking guidance and spiritual enlightenment. These messages come to us in various forms, such as repetitive numbers, synchronicities, or even through direct communication with angels. The messages can be interpreted as signs of love, protection, and encouragement. By paying attention to the signs and messages, we can open ourselves up to the divine guidance and support that surrounds us.

To receive these messages, it’s important to quiet the mind and tune in to our intuition. One way to do this is through meditation, which allows us to connect with our angels and receive their guidance. Angel messages can also be received through divination tools such as angel cards, which provide specific messages and guidance. Whatever form the message comes in, it is important to trust in the guidance we receive and allow it to guide us on our spiritual path.

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