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Ascension Field Is Aligning To 5D Baseline Vibration

By on October 8, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension Field Is Aligning To 5D Baseline Vibration

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by Morag,
Contributing writer,

Ascension Field Is Aligning To 5D Baseline Vibration

In September 2019, the light matrix was successfully plugged into the mainframe. Euphoric frequencies flooded the ascension field. And breeeeeeeeaaaathe. We did it. Rapture, Revelations and Tribulation. We are in it all. We’ve been riding waves of quantum transformation for months. September 2019’s portals of light versus dark shook everything down. It’s on, cosmic surfers.


Warriors of light know each and every one of us has been active on the astral plane, sometimes during waking hours, to make this happen. The light matrix was weaved and successfully plugged into the mainframe in record time. Accelerated cosmic forces of light enabled quantum manifestation, timeline jumping and interdimensionality upgrades to embed. We have been working like crazy to make this happen. The mainframe now vibrates to light frequencies. The baseline has been flipped from negative to positive.

Magnetized. Powered up. Detach an observe the old 3d matrix vibrate out of our lives. Relax into the gentle, floaty, light waves emanating from the core.

Crystalline coding now runs the show. The old paradigm, run on algorithms of envy, hate and manipulation, will trundle on manifesting third dimension hell, the rest of us riiiiiissse. Ladies and gentlemen we are game on.

BE. Assimilation into these higher frequencies is where we are at. The ascension field is aligning to fifth dimension baseline vibration. Waves of light are flowing through us and around us. Surrender. Kristed timelines are embedding. Breathe life into your dreams. We dreamweave our futures, all that our hearts desire and more is coming. Channel the vibration of abundance. Know all we are now is the seeding of all we are going to be. Hold space for gratitude and dreamweaving.

Consciously create space for Self over the next few weeks. We are moving towards Old Hallows Eve, a powerful portal for Gaia’s timelines. Know the darkness will throw everything at us in the next few weeks to mire us in depression, hopelessness and fear. ‘We’ve got one hand in our pocket… coz everything is just fine, fine, fine’ (Alanis Morrissette) folks. You get me? No rush, taking things at our own pace, adjusting to quantum time in our own way. If you’re still operating in linear chains, look at taking annual leave, break out the boxes and align to the moment. These next few weeks are the building blocks of the new earth as it will look in our own lives.

We are birthing a new world. Labor is almost over. Soon we will nurture, nourish, protect, care for and grow her. What will she look like, feel like, be? Is she going to be the world we hold in our hearts, peaceful, prosperous, progressive and balanced? A world that works with energy, recognizes everything is energy and aligns in magical magnetism. A world where each has safety and sanctuary guaranteed. It won’t happen over night. We are the builders, architects, engineers, dreamweavers of the new earth.


The divine feminine is birthing the new earth. Her labor pains stir the divine masculine from Anunnaki induced slumber, divine balance is taking root. How do we create our new earth? With love, joy, peace and abundance in our hearts. We are the bringers of light to a dark world. We make it together, tribal, collective consciousness activation. Goddess vibrations assist Gaia on her transcendental journey. The ascension field is lit with angelic light. ‘Peace up the revolution, I know there’s confusion, we gotta do what we gotta do now’ (Erycah Badu). Make it happen.

Our passion is our purpose. The light is sparking, joining up, linking, creating a grid of connectivity bright and sparkling on the material plane. We can make this happen. We must dig our heels into our high vibrations, block all negativity. Push our light back into the spaces of darkness intended to drag us down. Don’t allow it. Channel sacred rage, justified liberation. Standing our ground isn’t enough for the next few weeks, push beautiful people, push back against darkness, limitations, oppression in our own lives and the world. The energetic polarization we are experiencing is organic, accelerated and necessary.

The Venn diagrams, shared spaces of vibratory existence are shifting. To rise with fifth dimension realities we are being guided to detach from as much low vibration interference as we can. To construct our lives, our futures, in high vibratory fields is our directive for October. We are living the transition now. Fight for, formulate and focus on anchoring sustainable freedom, peace and joy in our lives.

We are stepping into upgraded existence where our skillsets are fine tuned to lightwork. The transition is intense and flowing at the same time. We are shedding lower vibratory fields and assimilating into higher spaces. We may be changing jobs, leaving relationships, finding solitude, changing our homes, redecorating, moving away from toxic relationships and clearing spaces for high vibratory people to fill. We are all finding each other on the dimensional frequencies we are on.

Who is here, who didn’t make the leap, who doesn’t hold authenticity in their core. Who cannot be trusted to have our back, who feeds the patriarchy and who understands its an outdated program that needs to be obsolete. The karmic, lightbody activation work gets done or it doesn’t. We either go inside ourselves and figure out who we are or we continue to shirk responsibility, blame others and stagnate. Each makes their choice, no one can blame anyone else, or anything for their own lack of light motivation in this awakening world. We choose, the red pill or blue pill.

The divine feminine has returned and she holds awakened souls in her circle of light. We will grow and evolve. The push to break the last membrane between us and 5d is on the horizon. 1111 quantum leap. Get prepared and ready. For some of us this involves stepping into warrior mode to kick patriarchy, matrix or inversion of beliefs out of our lives for good. For others it involves meditation, healing and karmic clearing. As we resonate with our highest path we make changes to ensure we walk our highest path.

Cord cutting, block burning, detoxes, final clear outs of old, nasty, grimy karma will raise our vibrations, we stay aligned with Gaia on her ascent. We may be shedding the last layers of our matrix avatar to riiise to the surface as out true selves. Hold space, believe in yourself. The world is gaslighting us on a mass scale, telling us it’s all in our heads. Gut instinct is the moral compass the matrix seeks to disable from birth, our beacon for truth.

Those who point the finger and judge are laying timelines of low frequencies. Their lives will remain mired in the 3d matrix for as long as it takes them to surrender to Self and to Source. A thousand years window to vanquish ego and embrace gratitude. Some bloodlines will take generations to work through and clear the backlog of sticky, muddy, slimy karma they have accrued. Surrendering our gut, our morality and integrity to the matrix is a choice, a soul searching choice all are faced with.

Weakened minds choose the matrix for its ‘succulent steak’, its feeding of dark desires. A thousand linear years on 3d earth to figure out love is better than hate, to break perpetual cycles of fear and step into empathy. Having been here for a while, I’m relived they’ve got a thousand years, because some of them are gonna need it. Redemption window will be open till the close of the Age of Aquarius. Purgatory will be existing in the 3d dark matrix of the fourth realm, a spooky, sinister, war torn, vicious place, manifesting as I write. The hell of the bible, old stories and ancient prophesies.

Soul retrieval continues to ensure every soul is whole to make their choice, each generation, each ancestor at a time. But the work isn’t all miracles and magic, the individual contributes, shows up, makes an effort, the angels wait it out. Implants designed to lock us into hamster wheel memory loops malfunction when we raise our vibrations.

Spiritual ego, DNA modifications blocking humility and gratitude, disarm them by meditating love frequency. Surrender to truth, divinity and love to dissolve Atlantean warfare. The truth of our authenticity, our sovereignty, is we make the choice. Final Wake Up call of 2019. Woke folk riiiissssiiing readying for the final great purge of 2019. 1111 quantum leap gateway is on her way, either jump on board or be left behind as we sail into seas of dimensional freshness, vitality and freedom.

Caveman coding is malfunctioning, entitlement conditioning is coming apart at the seams, the patriarchy is in uproar. #metoo, climate rebellion, #woke Instagram, the chains holding women in their places are cracking, snapping as women and girls, and awakened men, pries the lid off its dark secrets. Society is morphing in front of our eyes, separation, polarity is palpable in our lives. The cabal respond by gaslighting us with more venom, vigor and vitriol.

Women are neglected, enslaved, beaten, raped, tortured, controlled and abused every minute. Truth. The divine feminine is coming for her mamas, her babies, her sistars and her tribe. Her sacred wrath will shatter the holographic glass ceiling into tiny fragments. Feel her ripples of rage, the goddess has awoken, her compassion lit with the fire of divine karmic justice. Memory loops accelerate, blue pillars revert back to selfish, scarcity algorithms on a weekly basis. Reset.

Theirs is the limitation of consciousness, whilst the rest of us are expanding our consciousness. Kindness was a weakness in the 3d matrix, kindness is a soaring skill, an empathic high five, a compassionate leg up to 5d. Watch karma stomp out her retribution, her truths are her energetic levelling of everyone.

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The timelines manifest. We are vibrating in and out of each others lives, new earth birthing labor through 2019, 9 months of pain, turmoil, euphoria and epiphany. The last membrane , the final quantum leap of 2019 is just around the corner. We can feel the stirrings, see 1111 popping up again. Take the leap confidently, trust your instincts will land you on the right spot. The natural world spells out our timelines. The old matrix is being reprogrammed, upgraded, to higher vibratory fields.

We experienced a massive surge in original blueprint coding activation when the light matrix was plugged into the mainframe. Tribal truths of our ancient past are coming back online. We will attain technological advancement, intergalactic travel, in symbiosis with tribal compassionate connectivity. We will view ourselves as a Whole not a divided, chaotic, hate filled, disparate society.

Separation of our energetic realities is occurring. We are earthing, grounding, anchoring, committing to a higher state of BEing. We will choose when to interact with lower dimensional realities. We will have more say in how our lives are run energetically. The mainframe is now in a space of steadying, of stabilizing under its new management. The light matrix was weaved to mirror the dark matrix. The Intergalactic Federation recognized in 2016 that the population were not ready for full disclosure.

Maintaining their comfort zone, the matrix created contextual fabric of reality, was deemed necessary. Implants, modifications, chips in our brains to limit memory and expansion of consciousness were too deeply rooted in the collective psyche. Fear was the core coding engineered to maximize our vulnerabilities, insecurities and weaknesses in a system honed to feed the never satisfied cravings of the devil and his gang. Enough of us on the material plane raised our vibrations to break the programming, unplugging from matrix algorithms designed to lock our souls into a perpetual recycling machine, dumbing us down to obedient, mindless sheeple. Woke folk broke the matrix.

Fusion of the woven light matrix with the holographic 3d matrix was complex and sophisticated. We are running tests, checking everything has merged as we engineered. Light pulses of love frequencies are replacing fear algorithms. The matrix is in complete disarray yet continues to function due to the mirroring of its infrastructure in the weaving of the light matrix. Containment and stabilizing the mainframe are the priorities for now.

We anchor our dreams, we put the effort into expansion of Self, in these coming weeks, to embed in higher vibratory fields through the 1111 portal. There will be other opportunities for quantum leaps in 2020, October’s 1111 leap will be the final gateway to fifth dimension upgrades this year. Once this 1111 portal is complete and we have made the leap into our new lives, our new head spaces, our new emotional frequencies, then we can direct our compassion to the sleepers. For now we should be focused on Self, building and creating lives that reflect our humility, our gratitude and our zest for being human on Gaia at this momentous time!

Red pill people chose to raise their vibrations and break free from the matrix. Blue pill people choose to deny truthers, remaining locked in dis-comfort zones of dis-ease and dis-traction. Blue pill people deny their own divinity, allowing their ego fueled sense of self to be their dominant characteristic. Red pill woke folk have spent a lot of time trying to enlighten blue pill people.

The seeds are sown, a lot of work has been done. We must pull back all our energies now. We are the priority. Those who resist truth, refuse love and maintain spaces of envy, ego and judgement can be given a wide berth in the coming weeks. Theirs is a determinedly low vibration tinged with growing panic and confusion. Sleepers know they’ve missed something important, their egos prevent them from admitting it, so they dig their heels in and continue to infer delusion.

By projecting their denial and delusion onto us, they become watchdogs of the matrix, mini mind controllers, gaslighters, for the elite. Their darker energies will attack, push back at our light. Avoid energetic warfare, drama, with sleepers, their demons are in the driving seat, their confusion is theirs alone. Enough lightwork has been done to give all a fair chance at awakening. Step back and rest from the seed sowing mission, allow it, detach, observe, wait and watch to see if love grows, flourishes or blossoms.

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The silent rapture has happened. Revelations are the space we inhabit. Assimilation is our energetic blueprint upgrading to align with Gaia as she climbs the ascension field. Ground. Plant feet firmly on the ground. Be ready for the push when it comes. Be open to synchronicity, gifts from the universe to help us shed those last remnants of the old 3d us. Equinox energies of death and rebirth can be channeled, ritualized to assist our enlightenment.

Be ready to rise like phoenix, to watch our seeds grow in a blissful space of no fear. We are doing this. Next quantum leap will align with the full moon 13.10.19 in Aries. Transcendence with all the enthusiasm, fire and wonder of Aries vibration. We are in the final stages of labor. One more membrane to push through. The last 1111 quantum leap gateway of 2019 will open in October. Be ready to jump cosmic friends. The other side, we will be ‘living our lives like they’re golden, golden’ (Jill Scott). The old paradigms will fade out, rationality will be established as the primary frequency of political and economic infrastructure.

The Shift will be energetic and palpable. Blue pillars will feel the quakes as the portal opens and we jump. Its put your money where your mouth is, cards on the table time. Light or dark. Love or hate. Peace or war. Heaven or hell. Red pill or blue pill. Wake up or stay plugged in. Many will choose to remain inert, some will embrace the Leap in everything they are.

It’s all aligning beautifully. Keep doing what we’re doing, it’s working. Make the commitment to Self. Show up for You and all else will fall into place. Divine alignment of masculine and feminine energies will breathe life into our dreams. We are manifesting the Age of Aquarius. Be present. Accountable. Authentic. Take no prisoners, have no fear. Expand into truth, surrender to source, manifest in love vibration. We’re in for quite an energetic ride through October cosmic comrades. Earth codes uploaded, mainframe Lit, it’s time. Everything is energy, peace is possible.

Sending all a huge healing love hug ??


Image: Pixabay

About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling.

Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.

Image: Pixabay

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