The Enigma Of Atlantis: 6 Most Widespread Theories
via EWAO,
The first writings about Atlantis come from the famous book “Dialogues” written by the Greek philosopher Plato in the fourth century BC. According to Plato, the stories of Atlantis were passed to him by his grandfather, who had heard the story about ancient Atlantis from an Athenian statesman called Solon who learned about the existence of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest who claimed that Atlantis existed nine thousand years ago before that.
“Through violent earthquakes and floods, in a single day and night of misfortune … [the whole race] … was swallowed up by the Earth and the island of Atlantis … disappeared into the depths of the sea.” – Plato.
Since then, numerous hypotheses have circulated among scholars, researchers and explorers about the existence and mysterious disappearance of the city-continent.
Or what if… Atlantis never sank… What if the might Atlantean empire lifted off to the Stars?
Here we have six of the most relevant theories about the existence and disappearance of Atlantis.
One of my favorite theories regarding Atlantis is certainly the one where Atlantis is actually Antarctica. The theory that Atlantis was located in what is now known as Antarctica, which at the time was a much warmer territory than today, is based on the book “Earth’s Shifting Crust” published in 1958 by Charles Hapgood.
According to Hapgood, 12,000 years ago continents of the earth shifted, leaving Atlantis much further south from where it was originally. The people of this ancient civilization would have perished due to low temperatures; the city would be buried under layers of ice. Evidence of that are the alleged pyramids that have been found on Antarctica.
One of the most recent theories maintains that the Atlantis Plato spoke of, is actually the ancient Minoan civilization that inhabited the island of Crete between 3000 and 1600 BC
It is believed that this could have been the first European civilization, with splendid palaces and even a written language. Some historians believe that the gradual decline of this culture came after a volcano exploded and numerous tsunamis left several cities submerged by the sea.
Some theorists believe that Atlantis was a continent in the Atlantic that sank into the ocean in the distant past.
In 1883 the work of Ignatius Donnelly “Atlantis the Antediluvian World” is published. The author finds the mythical island in the Atlantic, in the same place as Plato, explaining that the might city-continent disappeared beneath the ocean.
This theory suggests that Atlantis never existed. This theory maintains that the legend of Atlantis is based on the terrible flooding that occurred in the sixth century BC during the sharp rise of the Black Sea over the Mediterranean.
Plato’s theory could have been based on this story, chronicling the demise of different civilizations to do rising water levels which eventually led him to come up with his own story about the mythical city-continent called Atlantis.
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What if Atlantis did exist, somewhere where Plato described it? What if it’s somewhere near or ‘inside’ the Bermuda Triangle? In 1970 Charles Berlitz, author of numerous books on paranormal phenomena, published his version of the facts: according to him, in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle is an ancient underground continent, in fact, it is the sunken continent of the might Atlantean empire.
It is said that the Bimini road is actually a pathway that leads to Atlantis. Interestingly, in 1933 Edgar Cayce said that near what is known as Bimini, records about Atlantis would be found, there are portions of Atlantean temples to be found. The small island was not Atlantis itself according to Cayce, but an Atlantean outpost, known in the distant past as Alta and extending all the way to present day Florida. Could it be that somewhere near Bimini, the mighty kingdom of Atlantis once existed? On a large island that is now long lost to the sea?
Image: Pixabay
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