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Chaos Before The Major Transition

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Chaos Before The Major Transition

by Teri Wade,
Contributing Writer,

Chaos Before The Major Transition

Major movements by the negative rulers towards the surface population for complete control of Earth is coming to a halt. This agenda has been reversed engineered shall we say and a push towards a more positive timeline is being activated.

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A year or so ago the Draco Alliance made a major push for an end of the world programming using Loosh energy to open up a portal to bring in back up. But, at the same time a positive surface ground crew anchored in the physical shut down that particular portal to reset the original timeline and open up more Galactic consciousness to the programmed surface population.

This operation by these positive beings also captured and quarantined some major players. The Dark forces have been in survival mode for more than a year now and are pushing for more and more fuel. This is why we are seeing so much social unrest, unstable weather, natural disasters, wars and rumors of war.

These Dark rulers have been running on razors edge for sometime now milking enough negative energy out of humanity to fulfill their end of the the world Armageddon agenda.

Without us they have no batteries and this is a major reason there will never be another world ending war like the annihilation of Maldek and the destruction of Mars atmosphere. Simply, because they need their livestock.

They are reaching the end of what their manipulation can handle without the collapse of their entire system. But, many are starting to see the collapse of the old world and are cultivating the bringing in of the New World.

The reason why many of us are here at this time in Earth’s history is to bring in these higher energies that are ushering in this New World as painless as possible.

We are coming into some major times of chaos before the major transition. We all know there is something massive coming for humanity, something brilliant, something pure. Our path has never been more clear and we are beginning to see where it all leads. Remember, everything is connected, everything!

Teri Wade

In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

Ordo ab chao

Ordo ab chao, a Latin phrase meaning “order out of chaos,” is a concept often associated with various philosophical and esoteric traditions. It suggests that out of disorder and tumultuous situations, a new sense of order and harmony can emerge. This principle is prevalent in fields like politics, sociology, and even spiritual ideologies, where it is believed that through challenging and chaotic circumstances, positive transformation and growth can be achieved.

In politics, the idea of ordo ab chao can be interpreted as the need for societal upheaval to bring about much-needed changes and reforms. Revolution and upheaval can lead to the dismantling of outdated systems and structures, paving the way for the establishment of a new, improved order that better aligns with the needs and aspirations of the people.

In esoteric and spiritual contexts, ordo ab chao is seen as a path to personal development and enlightenment. The journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth may involve confronting inner chaos and struggles. Through this process, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, transcend limitations, and achieve a higher level of harmony and balance within their lives.

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