Energy Update – Cosmic Events Triggering Lightbody Activation
by Morag,
Guest writer,
The Sc-humann Resonance has been fluctuating off the scale, telling tales of tidal waves of light recalibrating humanity. Cosmic events have marked and triggered lightbody activation. The Shift is well under way. We are waking up, layer by layer, to the truths at the heart of our world. Babies opening their eyes for the first time, children looking beyond the confines our cots. We see light and dark, shade, grey areas, shadows, rainbows and source light. Beyond the fourth dimension duality dissolves. For many troubled souls this is the reason for maintaining a low vibration. Desires born of darkness are fed and watered here. To transcend into the light we work to raise our cellular frequency. We raise our game to attain higher dimensional realities. We choose love, compassion, gratitude and peace. We reject hate, fear, envy, greed and deceit. We become one with lighter vibrations whilst remaining on the material plane. Meditation is the key to unlock the doors of perception.
Knowing the truth, skin deep or to the bone, is a deeply humbling, scary, uplifting and magical experience. In stages we peel back the layers, the heavy karma, the matrix toxins and static. Releasing conditioning and programming we’ve been subjected to since birth. Money is a source of relentless stress and anxiety. Most of us haven’t enough, worrying, core anxiety with us all the time. For the small few wrapped in riches, it comes at a price, a price few of us would be willing to pay. Relationships can be a devastating source of unrest, upheaval, hurt and pain. Work, how we earn the money essential to survival in the matrix, can also be a deep source of stress and anxiety. It may be the work or the people we are forced to interact with. Family can come at a great price for some, especially lightworkers who may feel totally alien in their families. Blood does not necessarily mean loving, a hard lesson to learn. Programming ensures we prioritise family, often at a great cost to our sovereignty. The fabric of our lives is created by the energy we put out and the energy we take in. Negativity breeds darkness, positivity births light.
Self care forces us to realign, to reorganise the furniture of our lives. We examine our lives through a meditative microscope. We see the negative spaces, identify the sources, and make changes. We are the architects of our lives. The matrix convinces us we have little or no say in the direction of our lives. We are offered tight little corridors, locked down by gender, religion, economics and geography. The matrix tricks us into believing there is progress, defining evolution as material wealth and physical appearance. To know our path is to know our true selves, in the third realm our true selves are draped in darkness. We lift the veils, we are brave enough to see our weakness, our flaws and our mistakes. We make peace with who we are and what we have done. There is no judgement in the light, only love and forgiveness. We forgive ourselves, clearing the energy around us in self love. We discover self respect. We put boundaries in place. We recognise when we are being used, abused or neglected. We make fundamental changes to how we live our lives. This is realignment to higher realms. The esoteric meets the practical. Everything starts to come together in a sensory way, we understand flow of energy and adjust our lives to embed in higher consciousness fluidity.
We are being drawn up into the light, whilst still remaining on the material plane, a feat only possible in the lower bandwidth of the fifth dimension. Possibly the first time it’s ever been done on a planetary scale, albeit a smaller world than we’ve been led to believe. To reach higher vibratory fields of light we change. We change our lifestyle, our mind set and our emotional dial. Our energetic levels of awareness take quantum leaps as we delve deeper into the world we can’t see with our eyes. Synchronicity talks to us, nature strikes up a conversation. We refine our instincts, honing our antennae to read our energetic environment. The more we change, like dominoes, the more changes around us. We start the process and we grow, evolve and transform. Lightbody activation is the transition from heavy 3d and 4d wavelengths to the lightness of being that is the fifth.
The interface is transforming, the space where we and our perceived reality meet and interact. Previously locked down in the matrix, we were hemmed in, boxed up in neat little labels, mice in a maze. Now we are being freed of the constraints of the patriarchal, dark and sinister reality of the matrix. We are being offered a way out whilst still remaining on Gaia, able to rebuild her when the time comes. The rainbow children have already started, just as light workers have been healing and warriors of Gaia have been protesting her sovereignty. The time is now, we are there, riding the crest of a wave of light so bright, powerful, profound we may never experience anything like this in a thousand lifetimes. If you feel overwhelmed by the transformation, lost, trippy, spaced out or hyper aware, nauseous or achy, don’t worry. Growing pains signify upgrades, recalibration of our mindbodysoul.
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It takes a lot to raise cellular vibrations and we are doing so in constant battle with the matrix, every day it aims to bring us back down. Retreating into a safe bubble, a world where we control carefully who enters our energy field, is advisable at this time. Taking precautions with protection mantras, crystals and sage is advisable when we cannot limit exposure to the matrix or negative energy. Solitude enhances the experience, enabling our mindbodyspirit to recalibrate. We march to the beat of our own drum. We rely on routine, nature and loving tribe to cushion and ground us. We surrender to third eye activation in meditation. Balancing high frequency intensive upgrades with day to day existence requires self belief and listening to our intuition. We become rebels simply by honoring our being, by practicing self care we become glitches in the matrix. Dots of light coming online with Gaia’s grid, fairy lights twinkling round Gaia. The light infuses, takes root, our heart chakras expand, love become the rhythm of our footsteps. Love becomes our interface for life.
Take it easy cosmic surfers, we are at ground zero, right bang in the middle of the Shift from dark to light. Be kind to yourself, go gently, meditate love frequency beautiful people. We are transcending to higher realms. Treat your body with tender loving care. Expand your mind with research, inner reflection and quiet contemplation. Bring your soul online with meditation, healing and mantras. We are creating the new earth whilst experiencing the matrix breaking down and disintegrating. Limit exposure to puppetry, world politics, it is designed to generate fear frequencies to feed itself. The old earth may survive, even thrive in war, depravity and destruction in the lower realms. Choose not to be there with mindfulness, gratitude, inner calm and expansion. It’s up to us, we each choose. This is our right as beings of free will. To transform is to see and make changes. It is to avoid drama. It is to seek and create calm high vibrations in our lives. We are cosmic surfing our little hearts out! In love and light soul brothers and sisters??.
May the Force be with you cosmic surfers ?♀️
About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.
Image: Pixabay
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