Energy Update – Depression
by Nikki Colombo,Editor – Contact Online Magazine
Contributing Writer,
Many of us have been feeling really depressed and down right crappy this week.
Headaches, anxiety, back pain, clearing out our root chakra‘s painful memories, and vivid sometimes scary dreams.
Many of us feel cut off and lonely and the only contact we have is online.
This is sometimes viewed as not as important as having friends in real life but some of us have had and are having some fantastic, mind blowing, stimulating connections online. This should not devalue our connections as for some its the only connection they have.
Some friends and family of ours are not as enlightened and it can be frustrating attending social gatherings after have a glass of wine or two to jump in with your knowledge when our friends and family initiate a conversation about politics or awakening and don’t dare start talking about ET”s at the risk of everyone looking at you with judgemental eyes.
Nothing is more frustrating to an enlightened soul than to be cut off whilst on a roll about knowledge you know a lot about. Your intuition and telepathy pick up on people judging you as a “know it all” don’t let this deter you, you DO know a lot, we are the strongest of the strongest souls and we agreed to come here as “the ground crew” for a very important soul mission.
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Let us never forget this is a special important time to experience here and we have more support on the other side of the veils than we realize. We are shooting through space at a gazillion miles per second as vibration into matter and with every second (yes i am aware time doesn’t exist but for context purposes lets just call it that for now) we have free will to make choices and to change those choices as we pulse in and out as a light and sound frequency. Tomorrow is another day and we are reborn to live in that “now” moment once again.
My wish is that one day we could all go on a word wide cruise picking up our friends along the way to be able to give that big bear hug we all so long for.
As always with love, gratitude, In Lak’ech and Namaste .
About the author: Nikki Colombo experienced a full blown spontaneous Kundalini Rising event in 2007 that catapulted a “Starseed Awakening” opening her third eye to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light known as the Melchizedek Guardians. Her spiritual mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education and awareness and by consulting the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, and human consciousness. She is an Empath, Intuitive, Spiritual Guide and Healer, NDE- Near Death Experiencer, a Walk In, Researcher, Writer, Psychic, Astrologist, Numerologist, Contactee, ET Experiencer, Chakra Clearer, Starseed and Tarot Reader. You can personal message me for Private Consultations, Guest Workshops, Retreats and Events. I perform all intuitive guidance under the most Inspirational, Spiritual and Sacred Insight to ensure the highest value it is delivered to my clients serving you with the full extent of my knowledge, wisdom, skills and talents.