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Energy Update – Isolation Feelings – Massive Change-Over Energies

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Energy Update - Isolation Feelings - Massive Change-Over Energies

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent,


*Due to the very large amount of shifts and changes many are going through around me, I am going to share just some of what is ‘going on’ with others that I have been guiding, for them to continue on in their own energy space.

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As many are feeling like in an ‘isolation’ bubble within our selves and close relationships.

This may not be relevant to all, yet it is to a lot of souls I know that are currently experiencing feeling ALONE or DESERTED energetically.

Usually, I wait until more ‘comes’ until I share, yet due to more and more going through things similarly yet different for their situation right now, my heart goes out to those who are also feeling this.

So to those souls, I share this love from me to you personally – Anastacia


We are in a mid-way process of one of the most massive change overs of a Higher Vibrational level or frequency in the human.

Or part way of being on a ‘turn of a corner’.

Many are pushing through last ‘bits’ of shadow sides.

Of feeling like in an ‘isolation’ bubble within our selves and close relationships.

I have been shown it’s like searching all corners of a room AND now no-one else is in this room (or their energy) AND due to this, we are able to finally clean out those corners that we did not ‘see’ – (feel fully) before!

As many have just ‘gone into’ their own energy space as part of their journey with the current energies. Like an isolation bubble – and others are in theirs as well.

This is mainly those close to us.

The feelings that can come up from this is deserted or very alone, along those lines or whatever it is for each person, yet these are the most common.

I say this with so much love, that those who are feeling this, I have needed to allow them energetically to experience in their own space, to feel what they are. As previously I had a link that we shared an exchange of healing energy.

When I say “I”, I am referring that the Divine is not ‘allowing’ my energy to ‘assist’ theirs as I would. ‘Normally’.

I do know, that I am/need to pull my energy back into myself, totally for the next week.

This is very different to bringing our energy back into ourselves. As it is meaning that it is like being in an isolation bubble within close relationships. That is the best way I can describe this and someone will either be able to relate to this, or not ;-).

Now, for souls who are ‘not used to this’ as in, reaching a space or place on their souls journeys, at the forefront, the Ground Crew, diligently living in the flow and again being consciously aware of this, consciously really ‘working hard’ on themselves, shifting and growing – constantly, they are now fully feeling what they need to AND it is an extreme feeling AND many are struggling ‘big time’ feeling this.

As many are now feeling a reflection of their INNER SELF in a way, that ‘was not possible’ before energetically (not like this)…of not having any one else’s energies in their space, so there is no-one to reflect energies with – THEY ARE FACING THEIR HIDDEN TRUE INNER FEARS AND INSECURITIES of what they were feeling or needing through others!

Feeling the dark corners, the bits left over that there was not light on them before and one could not see them…well, all corners have been illuminated with these souls and now they are finally able to face and feel those little bits of different sides or corners that were in the ‘shadows’. Get it? 🙂

When we reach a space or place of needing to feel loneliness, alone or deserted, along those lines…what I learned over the years was to fully accept that feeling and feel it…as to choose to go with this, is us having empowerment within this.

As when we accept and OWN that we FEEL say ‘alone’ then eventually this DOES SHIFT.

Its like when people say, ‘get over it’…I say ‘No, actually, to get over it, one needs to go through it’..and it stops people every time when I say that lol.

As I said, this was an unexpected post, as it is not really giving a bigger picture as I ‘usually’ do, only what others are going through that is similar yet different right now. May this resonate for those who are needing this.

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017

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