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Energy Update – You Will Be Stronger – Angel Number 555

By on July 4, 2017 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - You Will Be Stronger - Angel Number 555

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by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

Timely Reading for Humanity at this time – YOU WILL BE STRONGER – 555


Sometimes, your strengths and gifts are tested so you can discover for yourself, just how strong they are within you.

Do not doubt yourself or allow someone else to shake you with accusations.

At the end of the day, it’s between you and God-no one else. Keep that in mind. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it only matters what you think.

Your heart is good. Do not allow any outside influence to leave you questioning it.

The only way to conquer the shadows in our life is to turn off all the lights and face the darkness head-on. This is a process of purification.

Your heart is good. Do not allow any outside influence to leave you questioning it. Spirit doesn’t. Carry on doing what you are doing. Just stay true to what you feel is right. That is all anyone can ever ask of you.


The experience you are having right now, although painful and challenging, is providing you with the means and opportunity to clearly see what is – and is not – working in your life anymore – Change is an inevitable part of this process.

It is nearly complete sweet Soul. Just know, that once you have made your way through, you WILL BE STRONGER: both within yourself and on your journey. You will have more clarity about your path and how you want to walk it.

You are about to move into a place of calm within your life.This rejuvenation is of both the heart and inner spirit.

Life certainly has its ups and downs. You are about to embark on the up cycle for a while. During this time, you will be able to experience a sense of ease within your life.

You will feel strong within yourself for this upcoming period of time.

Take advantage of this beautiful experience in every way you can. Being brave enough to come down here and wear that human skin-suit all these years says you deserve it. Now it’s time to reap the rewards and experience the joy of being a soul incarnated in human form.

Full Reading:


This card comes to you today because your own sense of integrity is strong. Do not doubt yourself or allow someone else to shake you with accusations, should that be the case.

Your integrity demands that you do what feels right. This is because your integrity is directly connected to your spiritual sense of direction-much like a compass. It helps you align with the Divine plan and take right action. One of Spirit’s ways of guiding us is through our integrity. It’s important for you to remember that whatever action you have taken, it was the best of intentions, regardless of the outcomes. At the end of the day, it’s between you and God-no one else. Keep that in mind. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it only matters what you think.

Your heart is good. Do not allow any outside influence to leave you questioning it. Spirit doesn’t. Carry on doing what you are doing. Just stay true to what you feel is right. That is all anyone can ever ask of you.

Often the Integrity card comes to those who are here to do important work on Spirit’s behalf. These people are strongly guided by their integrity. You are one of them. And sometimes, your strengths and gifts are tested so you can discover for yourself, just how strong they are within you.

This card may also come to you if you are trying to deal with someone who is out of alignment with their personal integrity. Regardless of what takes place, do not deviate from your own sense of integrity as you deal with the situation. And do not attempt to fix or change the other person. Send them love and forgive them as best you can, while you remain strong in your own truth and integrity.


Most of us experience a dark or difficult time at some point or another in our lives. And though it may feel Ike it will never end or never be better. The Violet Flame card is here to tell you that it will be.

The only way to conquer the shadows in our life is to turn off all the lights and face the darkness head-on. This is a process of purification. The Violet Flame shines its light, providing you with the way and means to see your way out of the inner darkness – once the shadows have been conquered. The experience you are having right now, although painful and challenging, is providing you with the means and opportunity to clearly see what is – and is not – working in your life anymore. It can help you to see how you have been allowing yourself to be in the world and how you have been holding yourself back. It can help you bring the clarity to recognize the people who help serve your highest good – and those who do not.

In the center of the fractal image is the symbol of the bat. In animal medicine, the bat is a symbol of change. He holds the light of the Violet Flame for you as a means of guiding you through this process of change. When you do make your way back, you will find that neither you, nor your life, is exactly the same as before. Change is an inevitable part of this process.

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It is nearly complete sweet Soul. Just know, that once you have made your way through, you WILL BE STRONGER: both within yourself and on your journey. You will have more clarity about your path and how you want to walk it.


This is symbolically the same as the calm after the storm-when the clouds have parted and the air is fresh and crisp. You are about to move into a place of calm within your life.This rejuvenation is of both the heart and inner spirit.

Life certainly has its ups and downs. You are about to embark on the up cycle for a while. During this time, you will be able to experience a sense of ease within your life. You may even feel that for once, everything is right in your world. The normal stresses of the everyday will not seem so stressful. While your life will always have its demands, it will feel easier and more manageable. You will feel strong within yourself for this upcoming period of time.

During this time of ease, you will find your sense of feeling good about your life, and who you are as a person, is restored. It will strengthen your feeling of connection to Source, and of being supported and provide for. Somehow, the path ahead will seem clearer and easier to follow.

This will also have physical benefits as well. You will experience more in-sync and in-tune with your body. You may very well find that you have more energy to do things and that your body want to be active. The harmony you feel in your life will be reflected throughout your physical expression too.

Take advantage of this beautiful experience in every way you can. Being brave enough to come down here and wear that human skin-suit all these years says you deserve it. Now it’s time to reap the rewards and experience the joy of being a soul incarnated in human form. Cheryl Lee Harnish, Return of Spirit.

Also came at this time as guided by Spirit is 555:


Number 555 is comprised of the number 5 appearing tripled, making 555 a powerful number with its energies and attributes of being three-fold, amplified and reinforced. Number 555 carries the strong vibrations of making decisions and life choices, personal freedom and individuality, cleverness and intelligence, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness,

opportunity and expansion, spontaneity, life changes and new opportunities, adventure, curiosity, challenges, idealism, action and activity.

Angel Number 555 tells of significant and necessary changes happening in your life that have been Divinely inspired and guided. These changes will bring about long-awaited circumstances and results and will fully align you with your true Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 555 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you. Trust that they will be replaced with ‘better’. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if feeling any fears or confusion, ask for support and guidance from your angels. Know that your angels are with you, always.

Keep a positive attitude and mind-set about the ‘new’ entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting themselves. Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance. Even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point in time, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul purpose as a spiritual being.

Angel Number 555 suggests that major life changes are taking place in many areas of your life. Trust that these changes are for both your immediate and long-term benefit. The angels ask that you ‘go with the flow’ – Joanne Sacred Scribes.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Ascended Earth Master
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About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

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