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Equinox & Sun Enters Libra: Finding Balance

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Equinox & Sun Enters Libra: Finding Balance

by Matthew John,
Contributing writer,

Equinox & Sun Enters Libra: Finding Balance

Happy Equinox! The Equinox becomes exact at 2:50 AM New York time (06:50 GMT) on Saturday, September 23, 2023.

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Each time the season turns, it is a cause for celebration! In the Pagan tradition, the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is called Mabon. It is a festival celebrating the middle of harvest season—a time to give thanks for and to indulge in the abundance of crops available to consume.

You can take this literally and indulge in healthy fall fruits and vegetables like squashes and apples! Also, you can take this figuratively and give thanks for all the abundance in your life right now.

Look in your refrigerator. Is it full of food? Visit your local supermarket—is it teeming with aisles and aisles of delicacies from around the world? This is really quite a miracle, but we often take it for granted.

There are billions of people around the world who can barely afford to feed themselves and their families, and even then, they may only be able to survive by eating a meager diet of rice or junk processed foods. There are millions of people under the dark influence of war right now–and hundreds of thousands that have been devastated by natural disasters this year.

Do you have friends and family in your life right now? I know, you want more friends and a new family (LOL), but on this Equinox, give thanks for the friends and family that you do have.

Most of our Soul Lessons are worked out in relationships. No one comes into your life by accident. So give thanks to God/Source/Universe/Creator for all of the social connections in your life, be them in person or online.

A great practical exercise you can do to honor the Equinox is to make a gratitude journal or list. Write down at least 20 things you are grateful for (they can be anything). This can be a daily practice if you’d like!


On the Equinox, day and night are of approximately equal length everywhere on the planet! This only happens twice a year. So on this celestial event of day and night being in perfect equal harmony, ask yourself if you are in perfect equal harmony?

If you had to guess, which side of you is more dominant: the intuitive, emotional Divine Feminine side or the logical, practical Divine Masculine side?

Also, which side of you requires more healing: the Shadow Masculine (which can manifest as overagressiveness, greed, narcissism, or impatience) or the Shadow Feminine (martyrdom, codependency; playing small; afraid to say no; or directionless)?

Take some time to contemplate and journal on how you can improve the balance between your masculine and feminine sides.

Does your physical life feel like it is in balance? For Lightworkers, it is often more comfortable for us to engage in meditation and spiritual practices, but our grounded 3D life can remain out of sorts. If you want to truly make it to 5D and be able to stay there consistently, you’ll need to get your 3D life in order so that it naturally becomes a 5D life.

Here are some other Equinox-themed questions of self-inquiry that you can ask yourself. It might be helpful to journal on these:

If you’d like to really dive in and work on balancing all areas of your life, I’d recommend checking out my Creating the 5D You Mastery Empowerment Course:


The Equinox marks the moment the sun moved into Libra.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. A cardinal sign signals the beginning of a season! Libra is in charge of welcoming in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. As tropical astrology was created to align the signs with the Northern Hemisphere seasons, it makes sense that fall is ruled by an air sign, with the leaves flying through the air and the wind blowing, foretelling the return of winter.

Libra is represented by the glyph of scales, demonstrating the need for balance and harmony as one of the irreplaceable facets of a healthy life. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships. Libra is associated with relationships—including romantic and familial—and diplomacy, fairness and balance. It is the ruler of the 7th House, which is the House of Partnerships, governing—as you might guess—relationships and partnerships.

During Libra season, we have the opportunity to create balance and harmony in all areas of life. We want to focus on harmonizing with others—especially in the context of partnership. It is also the perfect time to make amends where amends need to be made.

Wishing you a Happy Equinox and a Blessed Mabon!

With Love,

Matthew John

About the author: Matthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Speaker, Starseed Guide and Energy Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone, Zoom and Skype, including Angel Energy Healing and Soul Retrieval Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Discovery Sessions, Medical Intuitive Readings, Past Life Regressions, Future Self Progressions, and Chakra Scans. You can check out his videos and articles and book readings and sessions at: Please note that the author is a contributing astrology writer to He does not necessarily endorse any information, views, or opinions expressed on (or any of the In5D social media platforms) other than those expressed in his articles.

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