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How To Use The Full Moon Illumination To Transform Your Life

How To Use The Full Moon Illumination To Transform Your Life
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by Morag,
Contributing Writer,

Energetic, psychological, blocks are being highlighted and exposed. Those who are awake on their spiritual journey will be aware of cycles of negativity coming to the surface for clearing. Old algorithms from childhood are being triggered for release (again!). Our heavily programmed ego is in overdrive, pumped up by matrix fear programming. Cosmic intervention has activated our karmic evolution. Vulnerabilities reveal themselves as self doubt, self hatred, broken boundaries and anxiety. Self knowledge is under pressure. To know who we are outside of conformity is to strip back all the conditioning we have been subjected to. Seek self knowledge in solitude and soul tribe. Powering up in the sun, in nature and with healthy food will help sustain us through this strange period of cosmic recalibration. We are preparing for late July’s blood full moon and lunar eclipse.

Knowing what is real and what isn’t is our challenge as we approach the full moon. Introspection, depleted energy and over thinking are the pitfalls of this transition. Physical symptoms of old wounds, injuries and illness may be experienced, reminding us our karma is mind, body and spirit. Ease aches and pains with sound healing, exercise and plenty of rest. As we emotionally recognise and face blocks we temporarily give them free reign. They bubble to the surface for clearing, we experience those emotions again. We hear the old familiar inner voice of childhood. The scared, insecure inner child of adolescence and the heavily programmed master controller of adulthood. We become the adult, we comfort our fragility, reassure our scared self. We begin to trust the universe again.

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The heart will always speak wisely, the head, not so much. Trauma, mixed with ancestral karma and matrix algorithms of conformity can make us feel like we are our own enemy. As the world turns itself inside out, panic and justifiable anger spreads. Many are in shock. Others inhabiting a space of cognitive dissonance, only able to process truths on a subconscious level. Divide and conquer is how the elite have controlled us as a population. They have also divided our energetic being. Turning us against our bodies, objectifying our packaging, convincing us what’s on the outside is the priority. Separating us from our true spiritual path with strict rules, confined labeling and severe punishments. Twisting our mind into a war zone of envy, greed, hate and fear. To realign energetically means to let go of all that is fake, all that is holding us back from lighter ways of being. Make friends with our bodies, nurture and feed our minds and hang out with our souls to transcend third dimension energetic lockdown.

There is no spiritual sticky plaster for pain. No-one can activate our chakra system without us putting in the karmic clearing work. We bring ourselves online with higher vibrations by taking control of our emotional dial. We quietly stage a coup on our ego, our fragile, frantic, frightened inner child. We consciously move our energy back into the heart chakra when we are ready to move on. Karmic clearing is allowing difficult emotions to be triggered, letting them have their final say, sitting in those feelings for awhile. We know when we are done when we get bored of the low vibration, when we peer over the dark horizon and start to yearn for lighter wavelengths. Taking self care action going for a walk, a bath, a yoga session can shake bad energy out our system. Once it’s loosened we can release by facing the dark nights of the soul, staying focused on mind, body and soul nurturing.

Recognition, owning challenging emotions and memories, is key to release. Forgiving ourselves and others relieves us of heavy, low vibrations. Using mantras enables us to focus our intention and harness energetic manifestation and magic. We can lead the way in our own evolution. We can reset our dial every single time it swings to the negative. By implementing these four focused intentions we can raise our vibration gradually and profoundly.

1. Gratitude is instant karmic evolution. Quantum leaping us from past trauma or fear of the future to our present, the one thing we can affect. Creating perspective, emotional maturity and energetic stability, gratitude is the holy grail of inner stillness.

2. Using mantras as a tool to reset our emotional energetic dial. Mantras retrain our negatively programmed minds to positive grooves. The more we say them the deeper they go into our energetic being, taking root in our psyche. They are the on switch for love frequency, protection and healing.

3. Mindfulness teaches us to be present in the present. To be fully connected as sensory organic beings of light. To use and experience all our senses. To see through the holographic layers of the matrix to the authentic experiences Gaia and being human have to offer. Focus intention on being more mindful during the magic of a full moon.

4. Meditation opens the channels to our higher self and guides. It clears matrix static, encourages flow of energy and cultivates expansion of our chakras. Meditation is self care. Meditation is peeling back the layers of karma to discover what truly makes us tick. We transform our perceived reality by going inside. Let illumination in, sit and be.

Be kind to yourself. Breathe out the negative. As the full moon approaches focus your intentions. What has this period of introspection revealed? What negative algorithms do you want to vanquish once and for all from your psyche? Use mantras to karmically clear and realign. Harness full moon rays to illuminate truth inside, to shine a light on inner darkness and dissipate the shadows. Embrace the magic and mysticism of night, of nature, of the cosmos. Surrender just a little bit more to the wonder and possibility of the multi verse. Fill the spaces left with positivity, dreams and healing. Let vacancies breathe, draw sources of joy, pleasure and happiness to you by cultivating these emotions in your life.

High frequencies are coming in from the cosmos. We can internally raise our own vibrations to align in lighter fields. We are being upgraded, but we do the work. The light codes are on offer, it is up to us to integrate them. Own negative experiences, recognize their impact on our lives and put in the effort to redress the balance with self care, self respect and self knowledge. Realigning to higher full moon frequencies will connect us to magic and lunar mystery. Powering up in full moon rays will help sustain us through this strange period of cosmic recalibration. Let full moon vibration cleanse all sticky, dense energy. Full moon illuminates the darkness, surrender to her lightwaves. In light and love ??.

Click the link for Mantras for Meditation

About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.

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