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Full Moon In Capricorn: Dreaming Big, Highest Personality & Romance

By on July 24, 2024 in Astrology with 0 Comments

Full Moon In Capricorn:  Dreaming Big, Highest Personality & Romance

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by Matthew John,
Contributing writer,

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn! The Full Moon became exact on Sunday, July 21/22, 2024 at 6:17 AM New York time (10:17 GMT). This is the second consecutive Full Moon in the sign of the Sea Goat.


Capricorn is the cardinal Earth sign, as it begins the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It is ruled by stubborn, serious Saturn. Capricorn’s glyph—or symbol—is the ‘Sea Goat’–with the horns of a mountain goat and the tail of a fish.

It is the ruler of the 10th House in astrology, which is the House of Ambition. The Midheaven (or MC) sits at the beginning of this house. The 10th House rules over our career and how we act, show up, and are perceived in the external world.

This Full Moon—the latter portion of two book-ending Capricorn Full Moons wrapped around the Cancer New Moon—uniquely joined in an out-of-sign conjunction with the Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. It adds an intense, Plutonian flare to the energy around this Full Moon. We are forced to face what is really going on inside us, and we also feel a deep, raw, strong call to actualize our Highest Purpose; more on this later in this article.

On the Capricorn Full Moon and in the weeks that follow, we endeavor to find a balance between the yang (masculine/Capricorn) and the yin (feminine/Cancer) in all ways. We also do our best to find a balance between logic and structure (Capricorn), and intuition and flow (Cancer). Check out my article about the last Full Moon in Capricorn for more on this:

I find it interesting that on this Full Moon, the big political news in the United States dropped that President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race; on Election Day, Pluto will be back in Capricorn!

So clearly, the results of the election will be predicated on the decision that Biden and the Democrats made on the July 21 Capricorn Full Moon, whichever ends up being the result.


It’s also notable that Kamala Harris seems poised to accept the Democratic Party nomination while on her second Saturn Return. With the transiting Saturn now in her 10th House, conjuct Chiron, it is a powerful time for her to be taking a huge step forward in her public career.

Capricorn is a wonderful sign–it teaches us about building things for the long-term; success; logic; and practicality—however around this Full Moon, and over the next couple of weeks, we should be mindful to consider others’ backgrounds and feelings in our communication. When someone is cold in their communication with you, it doesn’t feel good.

Also, Mercury and Venus are currently both in the most expressive of all of the signs: Leo. People will be more likely now to be in their egos—so if not being cold, people can be mean (or both!) Again, be mindful of this, and make an extra effort to be kind in your communication over the next few weeks.

The sun entered Leo yesterday (July 22), creating a sun-Mercury-Venus stellium in the fixed fire sign that marks the middle third of summer (more on Leo season later in this article).

Capricorn has to do with infrastructure, the material world, and finance. It is especially concerned with the legacy control structures of the planet, such as the banking system (some would call it a cartel), governments, militaries, police forces, and secret societies. When the Capricorn energies are emphasized–as they have been over the past 28 days, and will be over the next 28 days–it is a good time to for business and contract negotiations and matters.

Capricorn’s ruler Saturn is concerned with the long term: think about your long-term aspirations around this Full Moon. If you could write the screenplay of your life and have it manifest exactly how you desire it to, how would you write it?

With the exalted, Retrograde Neptune in the final 10 minutes of its home sign of Pisces sextiling the moon-Pluto conjunction and trining the sun in Capricorn on the Full Moon, we will be dreaming big over the next 28 days!

Neptune is the planet of fantasies, the dream world, intuition, and the Spirit World. It’s a Disney-movie-whatever-you-believe-is-possible-is-possible type energy.

With the sun now in Leo and the North Node sextiling Jupiter, which has now been joined by Mars in optimistic Gemini—and Mars trining the Capricorn Full Moon, we have an incredible amount of energy behind us right now to actualize our dreams and to get onto the best personal timeline to manifest our purpose in this life. So, it’s advisable to not just dream big around this Full Moon (and in the weeks afterward), but to also take practical steps forward toward your dreams.

Here are some great questions of self-inquiry to get you dreaming big—and taking steps forward—with the energy of this Full Moon:

  • If everything was going to work out great for me, and I had nothing to worry about, where would I want life to lead me? What would life look and feel like for me? Describe in detail.
  • If I indeed have a crucial role to play on this planet (you do!), and in this Ascension, what might that role be?
  • What do I feel like my mission is here on Earth? Why do I feel like I came to this planet?
  • If I had no fear, how would I choose to earn my living (or how would I choose to live my life–it doesn’t have to be a career or job)?
  • What type of legacy do I want to leave behind? What is the one thing that I have to help heal or improve (for other people, animals, plants, nature, the planet or society) before I leave the planet?
  • Make a list of goals for 1, 5, and 10 years out. Dream big!
  • Out of all the projects/goals on your list, rank the top 3 priorities.
  • Make a list of some practical steps you can take toward realizing your dreams over the course of the rest of 2024.
  • Make a list of some practical steps you can take toward realizing your dreams between now and the next Full Moon (in Aquarius August 19).

With Neptune’s exalted influence, it is a great time to pay attention to your dreams and intuitive receivings. It’s a great time to start (or recommit to) a dream journal. It’s a great time to play with divination tools, like the tarot! It’s a perfect time to make art.

It’s also a wonderful time to explore your fantasies and fantasy worlds. These can be sexual fantasies, video games, movies, comic books, Medieval Faires—or whatever floats your boat!

With the sun sextiling both Mars and Uranus (they form an out-of-sign conjunction), we are feeling a call toward freedom in all ways as well. It’s important to ask yourself in what ways you feel stuck in life, and how you need to break free.

With Mercury in Leo squaring Uranus, we are also feeling an impulse to let loose a ‘lion’s roar’ and express our truth, authenticity and freedom. It’s a throat chakra clearing energy. What do you need to speak up about?

Here are some questions of inquiry (and to journal on) to consider as you evaluate the role of freedom in your life:

  • In what ways have I been feeling stifled or stuck in life? Take into account all areas of your life: relationships; career; finances; health; and your inner world.
  • How could I allow for just a little bit more of a sense of freedom and spontaneity in my life while still keeping a healthy structure that allows me to grow long term?
  • What parts of me feel old and need to go? Have I been playing an old character? What kind of things trigger me into playing that old character? What kind of people trigger me into playing that old character? Is there anything stopping me from letting these aspects go, and stepping into a new recreation of myself?
  • What gives me a feeling of fire and passion? How could I structure my life in a practical way to allow more time to pursue and enjoy my passions?
  • What do I feel the need to honestly and openly speak up about? What did my soul put me here to honestly and openly speak up about? How am I meant to contribute to the revelation of truth in this world?

Capricorn also has to do with anything that is practical, mundane, or repetitive–like your daily rituals. With the Capricorn energies emphasized, it is a great time to recommit yourself to supportive daily rituals. Check out my article from the June 20 Capricorn Full Moon article here: .


The sun entered Leo yesterday, on July 22, 2024, initiating the middle third of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Leo is a fixed fire sign that is represented by a lion: an animal that exemplifies pride, beauty and power. Fixed signs in the Zodiac come in the middle of a season and bring the energies of stability, endurance and stubbornness. Fire signs come with high energy, vigor, passion and outgoingness.

Leo is ruled by the sun, which is that big ball of fire that all planets in our solar system rely on for light and sustenance—as do we! Leo rules over the 5th House, the House of Pleasure. The themes of the 5th House include joy, fun, play, pleasure, humor, creativity, and children.

We have a stellium in Leo right now, with the sun, Mercury and Venus. During Leo season, the sun is at home in its own sign, so people are feeling comfortable in their own skin. Leo signifies the ego, charisma, and being seen in ‘all our light’ (being fully illuminated by the sun). Leo is also associated with abundance and ‘all things golden’–as the sun appears gold in the sky.

It’s a time to be optimistic and to dream big. The sign of Leo supports the manifestation of our biggest dreams. During Leo season, it’s the time to let go of any fear of being seen in all your glory! Let go of any fears on how you are perceived. Be the unique you and bring out the most positive aspects of your personality! With Jupiter sextiling Venus, it’s a very fortunate time to experience what we really want to experience in life.

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With Venus in Leo, and Mercury in Leo squaring Uranus, we are feeling eccentric, demonstrative, and even bombastic. It’s the best time of the year to really show off our most authentic personality. It’s a great time to partake in any fun or spontaneous activities. It’s a wonderful time to get back to childhood in any way that we can–like the 6 of Cups in the tarot.

What activities did you really enjoy when you were young? It can be something simple like walking on the beach and looking for sea glass; playing in a lake; or making a watercolor painting. This is the best time of the year to bring out the Inner Child.

Leo is also the sign of humor. A day without a laugh is a bad day, in my book, though I can’t remember the last time I had a day without at least a few laughs (even in some of the darkest days I’ve had recently).

As a Leo Ascendant, humor is more important to my well-being than any nutritional supplement. Please let myself and the other Leos of the world remind you to lighten up and laugh!

Stand-up comedy is one of my ‘side quests’ in life. Here’s a set I did at my Light on the Hill retreat last year (I’ll be doing another one this year—come join!):

People’s egos are a bit out of control at this time as well due to the Mercury-Uranus square–so it is advisable to stay away from angry people and be aware of your surroundings when walking in seedy areas.

Leo—and the sun that rules it—teach and encourage us to bring out the positive aspects of ego—or what I would term the ‘Highest Personality’.

The ego is not inherently bad. The ego is much more complex than that. The truth is, the ego (actually a better term for this is the ego-personality) is the vehicle that is necessary for the experience of being almost any type of physically incarnate being.

If you’ve ever played or seen someone play the computer game The Sims, you’ll recognize this example. The soul is the game-player who creates the Sim, and the Sim is the ego-personality. You can’t experience the ‘Sim World’ as the game-player (soul/consciousness) unless you create an avatar to experience the ‘Sim World’. This avatar is the ego-personality.

I believe that the day and time that you are born is predetermined by your soul, meaning that your astrology is also predetermined. Your natal chart pretty well determines your personality.

Your soul chooses a particular predetermined personality that will allow the soul to experience life from a particular individuated perspective in any given lifetime.

The hundreds (or thousands) of unique individuated perspectives that your soul experiences in human form on earth—in different timelines, time periods, and geographic locations; and in different types of bodies, with different ethnic backgrounds, families/upbringings, cultures, economic climates, and geographic climates, etc.–form a complete ‘wheel of experience’ (to simplify, think of it as your soul experiencing the unique perspectives of all 12 signs of the Zodiac wheel, over and over again, so that it can experience the totality of the Zodiac wheel).

So your soul wants to experience life through your unique perspective. Your unique ego-personality is not a barrier to Ascension; rather, it is the vehicle through which you are meant to experience Ascension.

Now, as you go through your Ascension process, your personality will inevitably shift and evolve. Some of the Shadow aspects of your personality that show up in your birth chart—the negative, immature, and unhealthy tendencies and aspects of ego—will dissolve away and you will embody more and more of the most positive, healthy, and spiritually mature aspects of your particular ego-personality.
In fact, as one Ascends, what is really happening is that the aspects of the personality that come directly from the soul are starting to shine through. Yes, it’s true.

The soul has a unique personality too! And it’s likely that if the soul has a personality, so does the oversoul/Soul Group (12 souls) and the monad (12 oversouls = 144 souls).

I believe it’s likely that all individuated aspects of the All-That-Is have a unique personality. Perhaps it’s a logical given, considering all individuated aspects of the All-That-Is have a unique perspective due to having a unique experience of existence.

One of the best ways to bring out that Highest Personality is to focus on purity. As empaths, we tend to sponge up ‘stuff’ from others, and if we don’t know how to set boundaries with others and shield or cleanse ourselves spiritually, we won’t be able to experience our highest personalities coming to life. You can’t be fully YOU if you’re expressing all sorts of ‘crap’ from others!

To experience more purity, it is important to spend occasional time in sacred solitude, and plenty of time in nature. Man is a social creature, yes, and that truth is illuminated during this Leo time; however along the spiritual journey the importance of alone time cannot be understated.
It is also crucial to practice spiritual hygiene: take cleansing baths, use palo santo or sage, and use visualization and sound frequencies to keep yourself clear. Cut negative cords with people in your life. Also, exercise daily–it moves stuck energy out of your energy field.
Around this Full Moon and over the course of the next 28 days is the time to highlight the most positive and charismatic aspects of your unique ego-personality. I feel like as a Leo Rising I need to be an ambassador for this point. Don’t be afraid to let yourself loose, to let yourself shine! You deserve it!

Here are some questions of self-inquiry to help you figure out which aspects of the ego-personality might be from the soul-self and which aspects you still might need to transmute. Feel free to journal on these if you feel so called:

  • Which aspects of my personality am I most proud of?
  • Which aspects of my personality serve others best?
  • Which aspects of my personality feel most associated with Love?
  • Which aspects of my personality do I feel like come from my soul?
  • Do I have a tendency to hide these most positive aspects of my personality?
  • Am I afraid to be seen? Why might I have this fear? Could it come from childhood? Teenage years? Past lives?
  • Could I allow myself to shine more?
  • Which aspects of my personality are toxic, manipulative, codependent, or martyrish?
  • What do I know deep down that I need to do better in order to transmute these negative patterns into healthier ones?
  • How would my Highest Possible Self act in this body of mine? How would they speak?


With Mars in Gemini and the stellium in Leo, pretty much everyone is feeling really chatty right now! It’s arguably the best time of the year to make new social connections—and to just get out there and enjoy being in public.

It’s a very, very fortunate time for dating—so put yourself out there fearlessly if romance has been on your mind. With the Leo and Gemini energy, being chatty and being forward will bring fulfillment in your dating life.

If you are currently in a committed relationship, now is the time to go on fun, spontaneous dates with your partner! The more you mix things up and have fun experiences, the better it will serve your partnership, as you really align with this supercharged social energy.

Wishing you a wonderful and transformational Full Moon in Capricorn and a Happy Leo Season!

With Love,

Matthew John

About the author: Matthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Speaker, Starseed Guide and Energy Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone, Zoom and Skype, including Angel Energy Healing and Soul Retrieval Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Discovery Sessions, Medical Intuitive Readings, Past Life Regressions, Future Self Progressions, and Chakra Scans. You can check out his videos and articles and book readings and sessions at: Please note that the author is a contributing astrology writer to He does not necessarily endorse any information, views, or opinions expressed on (or any of the In5D social media platforms) other than those expressed in his articles.

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