Full Moon In Gemini – Solstice, Yule & Capricorn Season
by Matthew John,
Contributing writer, In5D.com
The Winter Solstice became exact today, on Saturday, December 21 at 4:20 AM New York time (9:20 GMT). The Winter Solstice also marks the beginning of Yule!
In the Pagan traditions, Yule is a festival celebrating the longest night of the year, and the return of the sun (as after the Solstice, the daylight gets just a little bit longer each day). So, the Winter Solstice is seen not as a time of darkness–but of rebirth! It is the return of the Sun King!
It’s a good time to ask yourself how you can become reborn? How can you be reborn into a new version of yourself?
During Yule, it is a time to focus and meditate upon peace and love, and to reflect with gratitude upon the previous year. No matter which holiday(s) one celebrates—Yule, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, etc.–they are all holidays centered around celebrating peace, love, family, abundance and gratitude.
A great way to traditionally honor Yule is to light a Yule log! The Yule log originates from Celtic traditions; an oak tree would be felled, and the entire trunk would be brought into the home and put on the fire. It was believed that the longer the trunk burned, the faster the sun would return!
Nowadays, it is customary to simply take a small log, dress it up with seasonal decor (e.g. pine needles, red ribbons), and mount candles to the top of the log. If you’d like to make it into a magickal ceremony, you can pick the candles that represent what you’d like to call into your life (or into your home) for the coming year, and light them with visualization and intention (for example, you could use a green candle to represent money, or a light blue candle to represent peace).
It is also of course the official beginning of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. Wintertime is a time of hibernation for nature—and it can be a time of hibernation for us as well. The holidays are a time to remind ourselves that it’s important to take a ‘time out’ from the grind of trying to grow and succeed–and to just relax, rest, retreat, read, watch movies, connect with family, etc.
Christmas, which of course is really based on the ancient tradition of Yule, is a celebration. People tend to be more jolly and grateful around Christmastime, which is just how the Pagans have been celebrating Yule for thousands of years. The Solstice Time is a great time to be extra grateful for all of the blessings in your life and to place your thoughts on exactly how you want to see your 2025 go.
Who do you want to be in 2025? What do you want your life to look like in 2025? How do you want your 2025 to feel?
If you’d like to start your 2025 off right—and put yourself on the highest possible timeline to have the best year possible—sign up for my popular Ascending as OneSM program for January. You’ll get access to the January 5 Stepping into Your Highest Timeline for 2025 masterclass, plus up to (6) more classes, and a private reading with me if you’d like!
Capricorn season arrived when the sun entered 0 degrees and 0 minutes of that sign today, on the Solstice.
Capricorn is associated with the material world, the earth, structures, hard work, and legacies. It is the cardinal earth sign, as it initiates the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It is ruled by stubborn, serious Saturn. Saturn is the builder, and it is also in charge of legacies and structures. It is also the planet of karma.
In Ancient Rome, a festival called Saturnalia would be held around the Winter Solstice time to honor Saturn. In Roman mythology, Saturn was said to be the God that ruled over an ‘agricultural Golden Age’.
Saturnalia was a time of partying and gambling in Ancient Rome. Gag gifts were exchanged. However, it got kind of dark—as supposedly dead gladiators were offered as human sacrifices to Saturn. (It should be noted that Saturn rules over the Illuminati, and dark occult practices.)
As the sun switches from fiery, fun, and adventurous Sagittarius to more serious, reserved Capricorn on the Solstice, life can all of a sudden feel more serious and sullen. However, Capricorn’s direct, persistent and hard-working nature–after all, it is a cardinal sign–can give us a sense of feeling re-ignited and re-inspired to get stuff done.
Capricorn is certainly the most productive of signs—without its energy, no home or building would finish being constructed; books and movies would be left unfinished; and roads would abruptly end, leading to nowhere (think the 2006 satirical film Idiocracy). Capricorn’s energy has built the entire world.
So, especially if you’re someone that has struggled completing tasks, you can harness the energy of Capricorn season to re-address, get working on, and actually finish tasks and projects on your to-do list—especially those that have been on the to-do list for a while, or have been put on the back burner, with Mars Retrograde (in Leo), and Mercury in its post-Retrograde Shadow Phase (in Sagittarius).
Capricorn also has to do with anything that is practical, mundane, or repetitive–like your daily rituals. With the Capricorn energies emphasized, it is a great time to recommit yourself to supportive daily rituals.
Ask yourself what healthy and supportive rituals did I used to do, that really helped me? Pick a few of those and re-commit to implementing those into your routine daily.
Capricorn’s glyph—or symbol—is that of a ‘Sea Goat’–with the horns of the mountain goat and the tail of a fish. It is the ruler of the 10th House in astrology, which is the House of Ambition/Social Status. The Midheaven (or MC), which represents the highest point the sun reaches in our chart, sits at the beginning of this house.
The 10th House rules over our career and how we act, show up, and are perceived in the outside world. This house shows us as we are when we are ‘fully illuminated’ and visible to the outside world.
It’s a good time to check in with yourself on where you are with your current career. Are you feeling totally satisfied with your experience of the 10th House? Or is it time for a change?
Happy Full Moon in Gemini! This Full Moon at approximately 24 degrees of Gemini became exact on Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 4:02 AM New York time (9:02 GMT).
On this Full Moon, we are trying to find a balance and resolution between fiery, impassioned, adventurous, and philosophical Sagittarius—where the sun was on this Full Moon—and Gemini, which we will primarily focus on in this article.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. It rules the 3rd House, which is the House of Communication. It is a mutable air sign, making it the airiest of air signs! Gemini is the ruler of the mind, the intellect, and of communication. It is represented by The Twins.
According to Wikipedia, “In Greek mythology, Gemini is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux. Pollux was the son of Zeus, who seduced Leda, while Castor was the son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta and Leda’s husband. When Castor died, because he was a mortal, Pollux begged his father Zeus to give Castor immortality, which was done through uniting them together in the heavens.”
Gemini is also the busy social bee of the Zodiac. Being the most adaptable sign in the Zodiac, when we are under its influence people tend to be more open and receptive to meeting and connecting with new people.
It is a lucky time to network and form new romantic connections, friendships, and business partnerships—as well as the perfect time to reconnect with old friends and connections, especially with Mercury now being in its post-Retrograde Shadow Phase, and Mars being Retrograde in extroverted Leo.
Mercury is the main attraction on this Full Moon—as not only is it the ruler of Gemini, but it was stationed on the Full Moon day, activating it to an extreme degree. Mercury was stationed in Sagittarius, making us want to express ourselves with passion and intensity.
Mercury’s slow movement is causing some pretty extreme communication difficulties—especially with written communication (e.g. text messages and e-mails). Give people the benefit of the doubt at this time. We are also seeing lots of travel delays and issues, and lots of problems with electronics. It can be a trying time that is testing our patience.
Over the next week, Mercury’s Shadow effects will still be strong, producing Mercury Retrograde-like effects. With an exalted Neptune squaring the sun, miscommunications and even deception will abound (more on Neptune later in this article).
On the positive side, it is easier than ever right now to strike up a conversation with someone new—so go for it! Humans are social beings, and we love being listened to! Gemini rules over social gatherings, social hierarchies, and cities—so over the next few weeks, it’s a great time to frequent parties, bars, holiday celebrations, concerts, sporting events, cafes, museums, restaurants, etc.
With Mercury moving slowly and sextiling Venus—and with Mars Retrograde in super-extroverted Leo—we are also looking to the past, and reconnecting with old friends, family, and even romantic flames.
With the slow-moving Mercury trining the Retrograde Mars, we are feeling ambitious about tackling things that have been stuck on our to-do list for a while. Rather than it being a time of innovation, it’s a time to take care of business—especially stuff that we have been putting off for a while.
Gemini rules over writing as well—so now is the perfect time to get out your journal and write out your thoughts and insights about your life. It’s a great time to brainstorm on your future—what inspirations are coming in for you at this time?
Communication really is the name of the game for this Full Moon—this is a time to refine our communication in all ways.
With the huge emphasis in this Full Moon chart on communication, I want to present a teaching on learning to listen better.
The mind tends to be constantly overactive and overstimulated. We’re all living in our own internal worlds, understanding one another just enough to live in somewhat of a functional and cohesive society (with much improvement to be had yet). With all the mental chatter, most people tend to miss the details of life.
One of the things that I’ve always prided myself on is attention to detail. Spelling errors bother me to no end. I especially like to sit in my backyard, or walk somewhere in public and observe the details of life. I like to spot the different types of birds, all of the different colors of the flowers, and even the chemtrails in the sky.
I also listen to detail. I hear all the different sounds that birds make. I listen to the subtlety of the wind rustling through the trees.
Learning to listen better will make you a much better communicator. Inexperienced interviewers really bother me. You can tell that they’re not actually listening to what the interviewee is saying; they’re just waiting until they stop talking and thinking of the follow-up question. A great interviewer listens closely to what the person is saying and asks spontaneous follow-up questions.
I’m a Leo Rising, and I swear to you that I could talk for 24 hours straight if I wanted to. I can literally walk up to any person, anywhere, and strike a conversation. I am a conversationalist. And I’m a good one, because I listen to what the other person is saying (this is also why I’m a good teacher, Spiritual Life Coach, healer and mentor).
Make a commitment to listening more closely to what other people are saying to you. Make a pact with yourself to pay more attention to the sounds (and sights) of the world around you. And do your best to listen better to your inner world. What is going on inside you, both physically and emotionally? What inside you needs to be heard?
Here are some other tips for practicing being a better listener:
- Listen to a song several times and focus on a different instrument or voice each time
- Sit outside late at night and listen to far-away sounds
- Listen to a podcast in one sitting and then tell someone your main takeaways from it
- Make a new friend (easier than usual to do in the weeks following this Gemini Full Moon) and ask them compelling questions; try to understand what it’s like to be in their shoes
Gemini rules over the mind, so I’d like to present a teaching on better using the mind.
As I stated, Gemini rules over the mind. The mind can either be your worst enemy or your best friend–it all depends on your relationship with it. It’s interesting to even contemplate what the mind is to you? If I am saying that you can have a relationship with your mind, then it implies that perhaps you are not your mind. What an interesting thought!
It is my belief that you are consciousness using the mind as a tool to navigate experience.
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Buddhists and meditation experts know that the mind is intended to be a tool but not a detriment. This is why mindfulness meditation practices, such as becoming the observer of thoughts rather than being the thinker, are very helpful exercises to assist in your spiritual evolution.
One of the biggest underlying reasons for drug, alcohol and sex addiction is that someone’s relationship with their own mind has become so toxic that they need to escape their own reality regularly. This is of course a dangerous place to be and indicative of significant changes needing to be made. However, the negative momentum built up by depression and anxiety can make it difficult to pull oneself out of the doldrums. That’s why this Gemini Full Moon is here to remind us that it’s OK to reach out to others for help!
Now is not the time to try to handle everything internally if it feels like it is too large of a cross to bear. Reach out to trusted friends and family who tend to be helpful–or to trusted healers, coaches and therapists.
Gemini reminds us that we are all in this together, and although it is common to feel like ‘an island’ in life, the truth is that whatever you have gone through or are going through, there’s probably a lot of people out there who are going through something pretty similar.
I get so many clients who are at the beginning stages of a Spiritual Awakening and they’re experiencing all sorts of weird things. Energy running through their body; sleepless nights; feeling disconnected from reality—you name it! They tend to think they are either crazy or totally alone until they start discovering videos and YouTube channels like mine, only to realize with fascination that there is a whole community of people interested in New Age spirituality who commonly experience much of the same weirdness!
Let’s chat a bit about different levels of the mind and how you can better utilize them:
– Conscious Mind: This is where you actually do the thinking from. Believe it or not, this accounts for only about 5% of your thoughts. To become a more awakened being, it is necessary to use this portion of the mind to drive your actual experience in the direction of your desired experience. This is the realm of willpower.
– Subconscious Mind: This is essentially the software programs for your life. Your outer reality will be a reflection of what is going on here. The patterns built into this software program are written before you turn 7 years old (basically you absorb the patterns of your parents and/or those who raised you).
The internal scripts that run (in your voice) inside your mind are created from things your parents (or those who raised you) habitually said to you when you were young.
To live your desired life–and to achieve your full potential–it is imperative to become aware of and then shift the negative subconscious patterns in your life. This can be achieved through therapy, energy healing, hypnosis, affirmations and subliminal audios. The subconscious mind is responsible for approximately 95% of your thoughts (!)
– Unconscious Mind: This is where traumas are stored, including birth traumas such as being born in a cold hospital room, being delivered by unfamiliar hands, having the umbilical cord cut, and circumcision. The subconscious will create your life circumstances with the intention of making sure that you don’t have to feel the traumas of the unconscious mind.
– Collective Mind: We are all connected into one another through the existence of The Field. There is a Conscious Collective Mind—which is the amalgamation of the experiences, thoughts and emotions of all eight billion humans–and an Unconscious Collective Mind, which is the part of The Field that is wounded through trauma (and karma) and thus ‘asks’ for certain collective experiences to occur via the Law of Attraction (this is the part of the Collective Mind that is currently asking for Disclosure—as we are slowly seeing the governments of the world start to essentially admit that aliens are real).
Oftentimes, when Lightworkers/Empaths are feeling down, they are really just empathing the Conscious Collective Mind and need to disconnect from it and return to their own center, where the natural state of peace and joy can be found.
– Superconscious Mind: This aspect of the mind is connected to the Infinite, including the Akashic Records. Anything from the Mind of God can be accessed. This is the realm where we access the perspectives/memories from the Soul Aspect, Higher Self Aspect and Extraterrestrial Aspect (aka your true galactic or intergalactic self, if you are a Starseed). This is the realm of intuition. To use this aspect of mind consciously and intentionally, it is necessary to be relaxed.
The conscious mind is the aspect of mind that you most readily have access to. If you can turn your conscious mind into your friend rather than your enemy, you will find life becoming much more enjoyable and peaceful. Here are some suggested practices to enhance the usefulness of your conscious mind:
– Mindfulness Meditation: Sit or lay down and breathe peacefully and deeply. Intend to become Awareness and simply observe which thoughts come to you. You are not thinking the thoughts, you are observing them.
– Morning Intention & Visualization: The more that we live intentionally, the more that the conscious mind becomes an effective tool for transformation. There is no better way to start your day than to set a specific intention for the day and then to visualize the day going exactly as you want it to!
You can set an intention to work on something specific during the day; or it can be something more general like, “I intend to live from my Heart today.”
For the visualization, it is also helpful (and feels great!) to visualize your desired future weeks, months and years out! The more that you bring positive emotion into the experience, the higher the probability that it will actually manifest in your physical reality.
– Journaling or Voice Journaling: When you record your experience of life, it is very helpful in making sense of your thoughts and your life–so you no longer need to think in circles.
– Recognize When You’re Empathing Someone Else: When you are hearing negative thoughts in your head or judging yourself—or even speaking negatively towards others or judging others—take a step back and evaluate whether these are really your thoughts?
Chances are they’re not—it is the voice of a subconscious pattern that came from your parents/caregivers or it is the words of someone around you that you’re empathing. Recognizing this in the moment can help you to shift gears back to your center (your natural high vibration).
Here’s a good rule of thumb: if your thoughts aren’t loving, supportive and helpful, then they’re not actually your thoughts. We have something called T-Fields in our aura, where the thoughts of others from our present and past are stored in the form of energy.
When your thoughts are not loving, assume that you’re receiving the broadcast of these T-Fields and not actually consciously thinking. Take back control of the vehicle of consciousness that is you and think some loving thoughts (or better off say them out loud!).
The sun is currently squaring the exalted Neptune in Pisces, which is moving slowly, having just exited its Station Phase a week ago. It is in the final, most illusory and deceptive degree of Pisces (as Neptune in Pisces rules over illusion and deception).
During this time, we are trying to figure out what is real and what is illusion—in our own lives, and in the world. Be questioning of everything right now—even what you are experiencing in your own mind. Remember that you are consciousness, but not the mind.
With Capricorn season upon us, it’s important that we keep our goals and aspirations somewhat realistic—or at least, while dreaming big, also keep a realistic timeline in mind. This intense Neptune action can cause us to be unrealistic—or even deluded—if we aren’t careful.
Make sure you are understanding what people mean when they say something—and make sure you are as clear as possible in your own speech with others. Miscommunications and misunderstandings will be rampant at this time.
Our dream worlds are very active at this time. It’s a powerful time to receive messages in our dreams. It’s a great time to keep a dream journal. If you don’t feel confident in interpreting your dreams, e-mail me at youareadivinehuman@gmail.com and ask me for a copy of my Dream Interpretation masterclass for just $33 USD.
The mysterious drones and orb sightings around the world recently—which likely, in my opinion, are mostly a product of Project Blue Beam-type government exercises, a Problem-Reaction-Solution ploy by the powers-that-be to pass stronger air surveillance and control legislation in the United States of America (and as the dominoes go, in other Western countries as well)–are astrologically speaking a product of Neptune in Pisces’s intense exaltation and square to the sun.
If you are confused, let me help you! I’ve been guiding people through career confusion and transitions for well over a decade. Sign up for my Ascending as OneSM VIP program to get a reading with me in January or February! For all the details and to register, go here: https://www.youareadivinehuman.org/events or e-mail me at youareadivinehuman@gmail.com.
Also, if you’ve ever considered a career as a professional tarot reader, I have an incredible opportunity for you! My 2024-25 Comprehensive Tarot Reading Course resumes with live class #2 on Sunday, December 29 at 4 PM EST. This is a 15-week comprehensive course that teaches you absolutely everything you need to know to become a professional (yes, paid!) tarot reader. For all the details and to register, go here: https://www.youareadivinehuman.org/events or e-mail me at youareadivinehuman@gmail.com.
Wishing you a Happy Solstice, a Blessed Yule, and a Happy Full Moon in Gemini!
Matthew John
About the author: Matthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Speaker, Starseed Guide and Energy Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone, Zoom and Skype, including Angel Energy Healing and Soul Retrieval Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Discovery Sessions, Medical Intuitive Readings, Past Life Regressions, Future Self Progressions, and Chakra Scans. You can check out his videos and articles and book readings and sessions at: https://www.youareadivinehuman.org/. Please note that the author is a contributing astrology writer to In5D.com. He does not necessarily endorse any information, views, or opinions expressed on In5D.com (or any of the In5D social media platforms) other than those expressed in his articles.
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