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Welcome to our in5d Spiritual Awakening index where we cover a wide range of material such as 11 11, soul groups, the Golden Age, 5d earth, ascension, spiritual awakening, sun gazing, dimensions of consciousness, spirit guides, the Law of One, the New Earth and much more! We are always adding new material so please check back often.

  Title Description
You can say it's because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness.
21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul

21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul

A total of 153 teachers and students being held hostage were saved from an exploding bomb in their classroom by what the children called angelic intervention.
Angelic Intervention Saves Over 100 Children From Bomb Explosion

Angelic Intervention Saves Over 100 Children From Bomb Explosion

Do we have spirit guides? Do you know who they are and why you have them?
How to Receive Intuitive Guidance From Your Spirit Guides

How to Receive Intuitive Guidance From Your Spirit Guides

There becomes a moment in your life, when time tends to fade as a past memory, and there is alignment with a thought process that illustrates the future as the knowing.



What does the "Awakening: mean to you? In what ways have you awakened or are helping to awaken others?
The Awakening

The Awakening

Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis has the rare ability to view the Akashic records, both Universal and individual. Right now, there are a group of people who are called 'The Dreamers' and they are working on creating a new age for humanity while other people are finding members of their soul groups and are connecting with one another on multiple levels of consciousness.
Andrew Bartzis - Soul Groups, Dreamers and the Akashic Records

Andrew Bartzis - Soul Groups, Dreamers and the Akashic Records

Get ready for a ‘touchy-feely’ summer, as the cosmos shines a spotlight on our deeper sensory Self.
Moving Into A New Reality

Moving Into A New Reality

We are moving to an amazing era of New Age or 5D Earth which is full of extreme heavenly bliss.
How To Shift Into The 5th Dimension

How To Shift Into The 5th Dimension

What if spiritual psychology was required education for everyone? Imagine if our educational systems taught more spiritual and metaphysical sciences instead of the state sponsored propaganda that we receive?
Spiritual Psychology

Spiritual Psychology

When you touch the Divine Source of Love, you realize that it suddenly makes no difference what others think of you or how they treat you.
Touching Divinity

Touching Divinity

Everyone that is alive at this time in the world has something important to contribute to the grand scheme of things, to the all of everything. It is imperative that as many people as possible awaken to their life purposes to overpower the effects of darkness on this planet and its peoples.
Step Into The True You

Step Into The True You

There was a recent article about how geomagnetic storms have been found to cause a significant increase in instances of depression and suicides. Why would this be a phenomenon that means anything to us?
Our Energetic Bodies

Our Energetic Bodies

Many metaphysicians and scientists believe that our universe is expanding, so based on the premise, 'As above, so below', is it within the realm of possibility that Earth is expanding as well?
Consciousness And The Expanding Earth Theory

Consciousness And The Expanding Earth Theory

The current consciousness shifts correspond to a super-massive galactic synchronization plasma ray originating from Sagittarius A, reaching us through our Sun. Humanity and planet Earth is being upgraded at this very moment!
Galactic Synchronization Ray

Galactic Synchronization Ray

Anyone who travels within spiritual circles has probably heard about 'vibrations'. The context is usually that someone with a higher vibration is somehow more spiritual or that the goal of the individual is to raise his or her vibration. But what does this really mean?
The Science of Raising Your Vibration

The Science of Raising Your Vibration

Thousands of people all over the planet are shifting into higher states of consciousness and this is reflecting in our everyday relationships with people and society all around us.
Soul-Growth And Relationships

Soul-Growth And Relationships

The following is an amazing excerpt of what to expect in the afterlife.
All About The Afterlife

All About The Afterlife

Why do we reincarnate? How do our past lives determine what lessons we will learn in the next life? How long do we wait in between lives? Do we know what we will look like? Who helps us decide what life experiences we would like to have?
All About Reincarnation

All About Reincarnation

What is the transition like when we cross over from human to spirit? What happens after our life reviews? Do we meet our spirit guides on the other side?
Transformation From Human To Spirit

Transformation From Human To Spirit

What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books?
Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake shares his findings from more than 25 years of research into consciousness, telepathy, the power of staring, remote viewing, precognition,, animal premonitions, thought transference, phone telepathy, and other phenomena.
The Extended Mind and Consciousness

The Extended Mind and Consciousness

Human Angels have certain characteristics that make them different from the rest of society. The following is an excerpt from the book, 'We are Human Angels.'
Are You A Human Angel?

Are You A Human Angel?

The knowledge of 'How to Ascend' lies within our DNA. Our monad carries the tools and knowledge we need to ascend from experiencing many lifetimes, and a copy of this akashic record has been lying dormant in our DNA.
How to Ascend - Ascension 101, Part 1

How to Ascend - Ascension 101, Part 1

The road to ascension has many curves, bumps, potholes and roadblocks. In order to travel this road with the least amount of damage you must have intention to steer your vehicle with awareness of the hazards and alternative routes.
How to Ascend - Intention and Awareness Part 2

How to Ascend - Intention and Awareness Part 2

One of the biggest fears some people face is seeing ourselves for who we really are. Without the title given to us from our career or the title of being a parent or someone’s child, we fear the loss of identity of who we are.
How to Ascend - Going Within - Part 3

How to Ascend - Going Within - Part 3


When you love yourself you become a shining example for others.. To love yourself involves breaking through programming in order to realize who you truly are.

How to Ascend - Loving Yourself - Part 4

How to Ascend - Loving Yourself - Part 4


We are energy, and everything around us is energy, all vibrating at a certain frequency. To heal this energy means bringing it back into a balanced vibrational resonance.

How to Ascend - Healing - Part 5

How to Ascend - Healing - Part 5

The planet is going through a change in vibration of resonance, and she wishes to take all living beings with her. The raising of ones vibration will change the consciousness or reality that you perceive.
How to Ascend - Raising Your Vibration - Part 6

How to Ascend - Raising Your Vibration - Part 6


Some define karma as 'what you reap you sow', or 'what goes around comes around', and thus is the reflection of how you have treated others in this life and past lives.

How to Ascend - Transmuting Karma - Part 7

How to Ascend - Transmuting Karma - Part 7

Did anyone ever tell you that you can be anything you want to be? Did you believe it? Have you achieved all that you want to achieve? You can master your life’s purpose simply by attracting it to you by being aware of your thoughts, words, and actions.
How to Ascend - Changing Your Thoughts - Part 8

How to Ascend - Changing Your Thoughts - Part 8

What’s holding you back from your magic? Fear is a belief that is vibrationally out of alignment with your true self. Fear is actually a tool in ascension because it illuminates what no longer works for you.
How to Ascend - Transmuting Fear - Part 9

How to Ascend - Transmuting Fear - Part 9

In this installment, we take all that we have learned thus far and create something completely new from the background energy.
How to Ascend - Taking Back Your Power - Part 10 How to Ascend - Taking Back Your Power - Part 10
In order to shift dimensional planes, we have to master how to change our frequency to that plane. Others have come before us and have shared the secrets of mastery, and some of us have already achieved mastery but have come back once again to serve as many people as possible by being the example.
How to Ascend - Mastery: Serving Others - Part 11

How to Ascend - Mastery: Serving Others - Part 11

As a Medical Intuitive/ Vibrational Healer of 32 years, I can confirm the statement that; 'To change the world, we must first change ourselves.' We couldn't be in a better time in this world to do so.
The Meaning Of Ascension for 2014 The Meaning Of Ascension for 2014

Do you feel like you just can’t seem to stay upbeat due to all of the challenges that keep coming up, over and over? Are you just about to the end of your rope on dealing with life’s difficulties? Are you ready to get off of this rollercoaster?

How to Surf the Waves of Change

How to Surf the Waves of Change

What would the world be like with no illness or disease? Would humanity be free from control if everyone on the planet was healthy? Are our cells in our body changing toward a state of perfection and rejuvenation?
How Rejuvenation Could Bring Freedom to Humanity

How Rejuvenation Could Bring Freedom to Humanity

Dolores Cannon: 'We are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours.'
Dolores Cannon - We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

Dolores Cannon - We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

Every relationship we have is sacred, as it provides a mirror by which we get to know ourselves better. As we grow spiritually, these relationships can change with the changes in ourselves.
The Holy Grail of Sacred Relationships

The Holy Grail of Sacred Relationships

The following is an excellent 7 hour presentation by Mark Passio that will rub many people in the New Age movement wrong but for the majority of what he is saying, I agree.  For those who don't have the patience of watching a 7 hour video, I took the liberty of highlighting Mark's presentation and added a few comments to the points he made.
Mark Passio - New Age Bullshit and The Suppression of The Sacred Masculine

Mark Passio - New Age Bullshit and The Suppression of The Sacred Masculine

Many people on a spiritual awakening path have been waiting for 'The Event' to happen in our reality. Is it possible that this is created as an external distraction used to steer your attention away from the transformation that is occurring inside of you? Or will there really be an event that triggers a shift into another sense of reality?
What is 'The Event'?

What is 'The Event'?

The following 10 experiments will prove beyond a shadow of doubt the importance of consciousness and how it affects our daily lives. When our consciousness starts to merge into one as a collective, and we all start to see through the same eyes, we will begin to transform the world around us.
10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

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