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Is Ascension Really Happening?

By on March 22, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening

Is Ascension Really Happening?

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by Teri Wade,
Contributing Writer,

You bet it is…it’s an evolutionary step for Earth and everything in the Universe.


Everything ascends to a higher vibrational dimension when it reaches a certain frequency. (humans, animals, minerals, trees etc.) This process is called Ascension and we’re ascending to the 5th dimension.

Every one of us right now whether you consciously know it or not are choosing to ascend with this higher vibration or stay in this 3rd dimensional state of consciousness. As we ascend out of this 3D world we are finding out we are loosing our memory this is because when heading to the 5th dimension “KNOWING” is the way we will operate. Meaning…your memory is disappearing to encourage you to use your intuition ability.

Losing your memory is a positive happening it applies to all age groups. Never doubt your ability to know what’s right for you, nothing is more reliable than your own inner guidance. Remember, the goal of “negative energy” is to further you away from Source.

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For Ascension to occur you must have completed what you came to Earth to do. What you need to do…lose all fear! Let go of all those barriers, beliefs, criticisms, judgements, negative thoughts, unwanted emotions. Let go of control! You will never feel more free!

This is when you find balance, synchronicities will start popping up everywhere to show you you’re on the right path. You will start connecting with the right people at the right time to help you along your way. Trusting yourself, your inner guidance will be your best bet. You just need to be aware of it and listen. ??

Teri Wade


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