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More Physical Ascension Upgrades Coming October 13th!

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More Physical Ascension Upgrades Coming October 13th!

by Aluna Joy Yaxkin,

Even though we whine through them, geomagnetic storms assist us to upgrade our physical bodies, so we can maintain new ascension frequencies in our physical form.

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In early September, we had an odd geomagnetic anomaly that centered over England while we were pilgrimaging there. This was a warm up and, little did we know, this was just the beginning of some pretty large geomagnetic disturbances. Then on September 25 through October 1, we had a very long sustained geomagnetic storm pattern (see prior post for more about this).

These storms are truly affecting and upgrading our physical bodies. Our bodies are magnetic in nature, and the iron that is in our blood is helping us transform.

From the middle to the end of this month, there is solar activity forecasted for us to have yet another extended, solar magnetic storm. This is far as the forecast goes today! (see the image attached). We can send calming energies to the atmosphere to deflect this incoming disturbance, but you might want to read more before deciding to do that.

More Physical Ascension Upgrades Coming October 13th

I asked about this month’s crazy energy, and this is what I received …

I was told that our nervous system has already been upgraded this year. Remember those panic attacks, weird unfounded fears and lack of sleep? This was the first steps in physical ascension.

Now our endocrine system is getting an upgrade. We will experience emotional and physical challenges similar to ones that we had at the end of September, but at a deeper intensity. Most sensitive and empathic people will simply not be comfortable during this phase. Many (even MEN!) will have strong PMS like symptoms and strange hot and cold cycles. We will not have the ability to control body temperature during the rest of this month. Facial flushes, sinus issues and weird fever-like symptoms might arise as well. This is because our Adrenal and Thyroid glands are being upgraded. All of our glandular systems are being upgraded, and thus our hormones are being reprogrammed. You are not sick; you are being physically upgraded. We knew this was coming, and now it is here!

The endocrine (glands) system produce, store, and secrete hormones through our iron rich blood. Our hormones from these glands are like a second nervous system to our bodies. The glands of the endocrine system are: Hypothalamus, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testes . These glands produce different types of hormones and are distributed through our blood. Iron is affected by geomagnetic storms as iron is magnetic by nature. These geomagnetic storms are disrupting our usual process and are triggering our bodies to process new frequencies in a different way.

You are most likely feeling these symptoms already… Dizzy spells, bloating and weird digestive and elimination issues. Your body is dumping anything into your bowels to purge that which will not serve your regeneration. Emotionally you might feel like you are regressing, going backwards, and even getting younger. For older women, this might mean feeling old menopause symptoms arise again. Sorry. We will need to really maintain self care and maintain a mastery level of consciousness. These are early stage symptoms of Physical Ascension.

What we can do to ease challenges …


Your are ready for this spiritually. (Yes … That is you who are reading this). This time could make you feel impatient and ready to leap out of your skin, but you need your skin, yes? Did you hear this? Yes, you are ready in spirit! Now we need to get our clunky physical space suits to come into alignment with these higher frequencies. There is a huge legion of light beings supporting us in this process, even though we might feel abandoned right now.

We are not going to share what this crazy time will do to the fragile, shifting world stage at this time. The world stage implications is in another message coming soon (Yikes!) Today’s message is for YOU, so you can take care of the most important thing. That is YOU! If you are not strong and healthy, you will not be effective for what comes next, and we need everyone of you for our new future.

Image: Pixabay

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