My First Contact Experience (And How You Can Have Yours)
by Katie IndiCrow, IndiCrow Energetics
Contributing Writer,
After many years of working with my star family in a more ‘removed’ way.
On Sunday, I experienced my own version of first contact. This IS something that is coming and is an important part of our next steps in Galactic (and inter-Galactic) cooperation.
As the experience drew to a close, I was asked to share it with you and to invite those who are ready to begin wayshowing through this issue with me.
Here’s to the first of many communications to you from me on this exciting mission!!

Much love and happy contact co-creation,
Katie IndiCrow
Katie IndiCrow is a gridworker, energy aligner, and guide. Visit her at IndiCrow Energetics for current offerings and energy updates: She has been creating videos and writing pieces for the last 8 months to support people through various parts of this process. For for her full body of work, see (load time is slow but the info is worth the wait)
Image: Pixabay
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