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New Earth Gifts

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new earth gifts

by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing writer,

This absolute Truth can and will be brought up again and again similar to those of you who call it, “beating a dead horse.” It never will get old as long as we can pick up stragglers as we go. These stragglers are the beautiful souls who have joined US at last minute as it seems and we are picking up speed as we go. They are literally brought up to speed in less time than those who were the Forerunners all along.

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This brings emphasis to the Forerunners and those of you who initially paved the way and made it possible for others to join easily and effortlessly. This also brings Truth that the Forerunners have healed much of the Collective energy already and that those joining now only have to face their own specific baggage. Not necessarily lifetimes of soul trauma if your Monad group has already cleared this for you.

You have the opportunity to heal yourself specifically in this lifetime alone. That will speed up this process of soul evolution immensely. In other words, those of the Light who volunteered and were specifically called to heal and transmute this dense energy in order to allow it to shift higher, have and will make it possible for anyone following in these footsteps to have an easier transition.

Soul healing is never easy. It’s not without challenges or hardship. As the collective energy decides to heal, this same energy of change; soul growth desires and love abound, will become a part of anyone to the whole who wishes to participate and be an active participant of. It’s truthfully a wave of energy that will not pass you by, but include you if you are willing to be a part of it. The Forerunners have learned best how to navigate and ride this wave of energy.

They have their summer swim-wear attire on and their surf board in hand, ever-ready to ride the next big ENERGY wave that comes in and at them. They are pros to this. And they can ride this wave with ease. They are able to navigate this hardship and the next, all the while holding themselves steady on their own surfboard. Hence, they are the Leaders who are willing and most able to lead the way.

This is not to take away from anyone’s experience or hardship to make it seem less than another’s. No one is higher than or better than anyone else. Our Roles in this Ascension process are different. This is not to take away from anyone else who is not a Forerunner or attempting to take the lead. I will tell you that you… YOU reading this very message, is guided to be here and are absolutely needed.

Your specific gift is the beautiful part of the whole that you are, and thank you so much for being here! You are making a difference with every breath you take and every step forward that you choose to make. Your positive thoughts matter. You MATTER. You are made up of matter and energy so this energetic matter that you are giving your energy and thoughts to… hold form.

So imagine your ability and power by your thoughts and your energy. You are far more powerful than you give yourself credit for. If your thoughts, intentions, visualizations, and energy can materialize into form, do you see how you can and will build your new world and this new Earth collectively?!

We have started this venture and we will finish as “Victory of the Light.” This Victory is none less than you discovering your true authentic purpose and soul Divinity. Perhaps this power you decide to take back within yourself, leads us full circle to this end and new beginning that we have ALL been anticipating.

So, what gifts are you bringing forward to the New Earth? Know them in your heart. With every heartbeat, change is possible because of love and Unity. You are powerful. Know this and feel this truth within yourself.

What are you choosing to create and bring forward??

Love to ALL. Xoxo


About the AuthorAdeana M. Slater is an Empathic Lightworker who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.

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