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by Matthew John,
Contributing writer,

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!

This New Moon becomes exact on Sunday, January 2 at 1:33 PM New York time (18:33 GMT).

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We have reached the first New Moon of 2022 as Father Sun and Mother Moon meet in 12 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn, known as ‘The Goat’ is the quintessential realist of the Zodiac.

Capricorn is the cardinal Earth sign, as it begins the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It is ruled by stubborn, serious Saturn. Capricorn’s glyph—or symbol—is that of a ‘Sea Goat’–with the horns of the mountain goat and the tail of a fish. It is the ruler of the 10th house in astrology, which is the House of Ambition. The Midheaven (or MC) sits at the beginning of this house. The 10th House rules over our career and how we act, show up, and are perceived in the material world.

Hopefully you’ve taken stock of where you’re at in life as we’ve turned the calendar from 2021 to 2022; and hopefully you’ve made a list of goals/intentions for this sacred year that we have just begun. My suggestion is to make a list of goals and categorize them (e.g. career, health, relationships, finances, hobbies, spiritual development). Keep them posted in your room or office and reference them throughout the year.

I hear comments on every New Moon and Full Moon that my journal prompts are very helpful, so here are some things to journal on to get you in touch with the most realistic view of the landscape of your life. From a place of groundedness, it is much easier to make forward progress through instituting new strategies and making courageous choices.


The sun and new moon form a supportive, harmonious trine with an exalted Uranus, the planet of freedom and spontaneity. Uranus is currently exalted in Taurus because it is slowing down, getting ready to station Direct on January 18. Now is the time to start off your 2022 by using courage, logic, and your intellect to break free from any limiting circumstances in your life and step into the life you truly want to live!

Capricorn brings a very masculine energy (‘the Father’ energy) with it. This courageous energy is what is necessary for us to take the actions required in the earthly, 3D space in order to make the changes in our lives that we know inside we need to make. Uranus’s supportive trine to the sun and new moon in courageous Capricorn is providing the impulse for us to say ‘f*** it’ and go for what we want!

The Spiritual Warrior is an archetype that we all carry within. We have all had moments of courage in this lifetime; and in other lifetimes, we have all played characters who were extremely courageous in certain moments of those specific incarnations. Your soul has played a character that saved someone else’s life; your soul has also possibly even played a character that sacrificed his or her life to save someone else. Your soul has played characters that took huge risks in life that paid off handsomely. Your soul has played characters that overcame incredible obstacles to achieve amazing things or to garner some invaluable wisdom.

The essence of the Spiritual Warrior is within you. Whatever obstacles are present in your reality right now are there for you either to overcome, or to surrender to and gain invaluable wisdom from. Regardless of what is meant to happen, it is the Spiritual Warrior within that will be the part of you that will figure out exactly what you’re meant to figure out.

Here are some questions to ask yourself or journal on to help you anchor in this wisdom:

If life is flowing pretty damn perfectly for you right now and there’s nothing limiting that you need to break free from, then utilize this Uranian energy to do (or plan) something exciting and spontaneous!


Aristotle didn’t actually say “You are what you repeatedly do,” but irregardless of the fact that this famous quote has been misattributed, it is still a wonderful piece of wisdom! If you want to make long-lasting changes in your life, it requires repetition.

Here’s why: the subconscious mind actually manifests 95% of your reality. This part of your mind is formed pretty much completely between the ages of 0 and 7, when our brains are predominately in a Theta wave state. The thoughts and beliefs of our parents, caregivers, and even the media end up forming the template of our subconscious mind.

If we don’t do the healing work, this subconscious mind will continue to manifest the same sorts of problems and frustrations for us over and over again. Only 5% of our thoughts come from the input of the conscious mind, so that’s why making lasting change in your life requires a lot of deliberate repetition.

During Capricorn season, it is natural to become more aware of which sorts of activities and addictions that have become a normal part of your life are slowing you down and holding you back. Once you’ve identified those daily activities that aren’t supporting your highest evolution, the next step is to of course figure out which new rituals you can implement that will allow you to shift those hardened subconscious patterns that control 95% of your life.

One of the overlooked principles of co-creation is that a small input can create a large output. Meaning, it only takes a few minutes per day of a new supportive rituals in order to make a significant change in your life. Just a few minutes of meditation per day, for example, can cause a wonderful improvement to your health and well-being.

Here are some new moon ideas for supportive daily rituals you can implement in 2022:


Venus is in Retrograde on this New Moon, still conjunct Pluto, the planet of destruction and transformation. When Venus is in Capricorn, it is already an uncomfortable sign for Venus to be in. When it’s Retrograde, Venus is quite uncomfortable. During this particular Venus Retrograde, it is possible that you may feel confusion and uncertainty in romantic relationships.

As I wrote about recently, the theme of Venus in Capricorn is commitment vs. noncommitment. During this Retrograde stage, this theme will really come to light. It may be a confusing time, as well as in some cases a make-or-break time for long-term romantic relationships. Couples are trying to figure out whether it’s practical for the relationship to work. Each person’s bad habits are likely being amplified at this time.

Capricorn is an earthy, logical sign, so lean on your logic at this time to figure out what direction to go with the relationship. Make sure that something is going to work on a grounded, 3D level, before committing to something long-term.

Venus in Capricorn also rules over the traditional financial markets. It’s possible (though not etched in stone) that we could see a lot of stock market volatility and downward momentum while Venus is in Retrograde and floating within a reasonable orb of Pluto (Dec 19-Jan 29). With Mercury now entering its Shadow Phase, that becomes even more likely. And remember that the major assets in the cryptocurrency markets tend to also follow the traditional stock markets’ momentum. Be careful with your investments.

If you’d like to know more about the potential for a stock market crash in 2022, please watch my 2022 Astrology Preview & Predictions:

Wishing you a very Happy New Moon in Capricorn and a very Happy New Year! Wishing you a healthy, joyous, successful and fulfilling 2022!

With Love,

Matthew John

About the author: Matthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Speaker, Starseed Guide and Energy Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone and Skype, including Angel Energy Healing & Soul Retrieval Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Discovery Sessions,Medical Intuitive Readings, Past Life Regressions, Future Life Progressions, and Chakra Scans. You can check out his videos and articles and book readings and sessions at:

Image: Pixabay

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