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Our Reality is Our CHOICE

By on September 17, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kim Semetis ~ Divine Warrior Goddess,
Guest writer,

As we have entered the the phase of the collective oversoul/ collective consciousness we have reached the critical mass to shift the entire collective on a universal level to the highest consciousness that there is, the christed consciousness.

This is the highest that we can go, just when we thought that we couldn’t get much higher. Living as a multi dimensional being of the light is the highest honor attainable to all. Some will choose to stay and some will choose to leave, prefering to ascend in another form. Those that choose to stay will continue to ascend in the here and now, in the physical, to achieve energy mastery here. It is all a choice in preference to each soul. Those that choose to stay will learn how to transcend 3D consciousness/duality and come to feel the expansive love that is our very essence. For those that are still deep in slumber this may seem like a bumpy ride, filled with the darkest of days UNTIL they choose to OPEN UP to a NEW WAY, a way that they may have never considered before, as they learn to “see” and “feel” what is truly aligned with their soul. We all must learn to not only see ALL of the programs still held within but also to clear them until all is gone. This means “UNLEARNING” absolutely everything that we thought to be true as a 3D human. This is exciting and can be fun, IF we do not fight the GREAT AWAKENING that is happening in each moment. Those still deep in slumber, as they begin to wake up, will seek out the early wakers, the wayshowers of the light that chose to go through this before the masses. These beings WILL begin to make sense, as all awaken at the perfect moment. Those that they did not understand and actually thought were “CRAZY”, will begin to make sense, as we speak to the soul, as opposed to the human mind.


This is a pivotal time for all, as some are already living in the fifth dimension and higher, and some are still living in 3D/4D hell. Those in the realm of “hell” cannot “see” or understand/comprehend what it is to be living HEAVEN ON EARTH. Those that choose to still see duality and living in victim energy can stay as long as they wish but…..they are watching, and they are seeing those that are happy and joyful, just because. They may judge those and think that we are simple minded, not seeing all the injustices that abound, yet they are curious, and this curiosity is what opens the door for them. Tiny portals will open for them in the beginning, giving them a glimpse of what others already know.

Life is to be MAGICAL, MYSTICAL, filled with JOY at every turn, where LOVE and KINDNESS is always the answer.

This is a place where ego is a thing of the past and if we see it in ourselves and others, we correct it immediately (within our self) or walk away, as it is no longer a part of our experience here on the earth plane. There is no room for this in the higher realms, the frequencies do not support this.

So let us ask you this “Why would you want to stay in hell when there are wondrous other options available?” You may not  yet be able to see these other options, but you will, you will notice lives filled with ease, joy and abundance and you will want to know how to get there. There are many out there that have the answers to that and if you seek, you will find those that you resonate with.

Even those that consider themselves “Spiritual” do not see the magnitude of who they are, still playing in dualistic games of the ego. Still holding onto old beliefs, old teachings/ old paradigms, turning a blind eye to opening up and moving forward. Some have hearts that are only partially open, some have open hearts but close them back up if things do not go their way. They are like an ostrich with its head in the sand, unwilling to take a peek at what is really possible, wanting to stay in the fight of “what is mine” and “who is right”….. Nobody cares in the higher realms. This is because we have achieved unity consciousness and all are one commUNITY at all times, no only when it is convenient.

WE LOVE and HONOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING at all times. We not only see the whole picture, we are the picture, we are the creators in each moment, creating our own reality/universe. We love everyone enough to mind our own business, allowing others the space to create whatever they wish. This is not for us to interfere aymore as we have learned (sometimes the hard way) how to step back and give presence and honor to those that we used to hover over. This is full HONOR and RESPECT on the highest level, to give each its own power back. It truly is the greatest gift, for we are all sovereign beings in the higher realms, coming together to create in UNITY/commUNITY with purity only, with no hidden agendas. “Relationships” are a thing of the past. There is no more relying on others, there is only assisting out of the purity of our heart. Those that have already been ascending for years can “feel” and “know” the difference. It quite simply does not feel good when intentions are other than pure and we will simply walk away if and when we even have these experiences at all anymore.


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Heaven on Earth, simply put, means that if and when we have an experience that is less than pleasant, we may simply wait until this energy dissipates (quite quickly) and we will also not wish to be around that energy and will make sure that we walk away from it once and for all. This may mean walking away from friends/family/jobs/homes/ people and places we have always known and replacing them with our solidarity as we walk in peace/happiness and love. We begin to be very okay with this as we make room for all NEW REALITIES with souls that are in alignment with our frequency/our mission. Those that radiate out light at all times, refusing to go back to old patterns and games. Those that seek the highest in all that they do and those that they choose to create with. The human cannot comprehend this, but the soul not only knows that this is possible but it is the true way, the key (keycode) to unlocking doors that they never even knew that they were there. This light encoded writing is offering you the keys to open the doors/portals/gateways/stargates that are just for you, for they are YOUR DOORWAYS. Take a step, turn the key and unlock/open the door to the passageway into the unknown, for this is where all the MAGIC and BLISS resides!!

We LOVE you more than you can ever imagine!


Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper of the NEW EARTH. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity.  She offers private sessions by phone or in person. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering so that it can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way! She takes much joy and delight to see her clients learn, grow and heal! Kim also holds workshops to assist souls to move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them in too many ways to list here.

If you would like to book a session or be notified of upcoming classes and or online courses please go to her website:

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