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Plant Symbolism – A Guide To The Spiritual Meaning Of Plants – H through P

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Plant Symbolism - A Guide To The Spiritual Meaning Of Plants

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Hawthorn: Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness

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Hazel: Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes

Heather: Protection, Rain Making, Luck

Heliotrope: Exorcism, Prophetic dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisbility

Hellebore, Black: Protection *POISON*

Hemlock: Destroy sexual drives *POISON*

Hemp: Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation

Henbane: *POISON* Not used

Henna: Healing

Hibiscus: Lust, Love, Divination. This plant symbolizes beauty and fertility, its 5 petal flowers speak of protection and its random growth that of chaos. It is used for spells involving randomness, glamour, and repelling negativity.

Hickory: Legal Matters

High John the Conquerer: Money, Love, Success, Happiness

Holly: Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic

Honesty: Money, Repelling Monsters

Honeysuckle: Money, Psychic Powers, Protection

Hops: Healing, Sleep

Horehound: Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing

Horse Chestnut: Money, Healing

Horseradish: Purification, Exorcism

Horsetail: Snake Charming, Fertility

Houndstongue: Tying dogs tongues

Houseleek: Luck, Protection, Love

Huckleberry: Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking

Hyacinth: Love, Protection, Happiness

Hydrangea: Hex Breaking

Hyssop: Purification, Protection

Indian Paint Brush: Love

Iris: Purification, Wisdom

Irish Moss: Money, Luck, Protection

Ivy: Protection, Healing

Jasmine: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams

Jobs Tears: Healing, Wishes, Luck

Joe-pye weed: Love, Respect

Juniper: Protection, Anti-theft, Love, Exorcism, Health. This is an excellent tree for healing and cleansing especially in curbing the spread of poisons or disease.

Native American Symbolism: Juniper plants are associated with protection in many different Native American tribes. The Interior Salish and Northwest Coast tribes used juniper to banish evil spirits and protect themselves from witchcraft. Among the southwestern Pueblos, junipers were believed to counteract ‘ghost sickness,’ a malady which afflicted bereaved relatives or people who handle the bodies of the dead. Plains Indian tribes, such as the Dakota, Cheyenne, and Pawnee, often hung juniper boughs on their tepees or burned them in the camp fire to keep their homes safe from storms. And in many tribes people, especially hunters, would carry a spring of juniper as a protective charm or rub juniper branches on their bodies before embarking on a dangerous journey to protect themselves from grizzly bears, monsters, or general bad luck. Juniper is one of the herbs frequently included in medicine bundles and amulets. Juniper berries were also eaten by people in some Southwestern and Southern California tribes, and juniper leaves were frequently used as medicinal herbs.

Kava-Kave: Visions, Protection, luck

Knotweed: Binding, Health

Ladys mantle: Love

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Ladys slipper: Protection

Native American Symbolism: Ladyslippers, also known as moccasin flowers, are North American wildflowers from the orchid family. These flowers got their names, as well as several folktales about them, from their vague resemblance to a soft-bodied shoe. Besides inspiring folklore about their origins, ladyslippers were also useful to Woodland Indian tribes of the eastern United States and Canada, who used their roots as medicine herbs.

Larch: Protection, Anti theft. This is one of the few conifers that sheds its pines in winter. It is often used to rim ceremonial drums. It may be used for protection and inducing visions.

Larkspur: Health, Protection

Lavendar: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace

Native American Symbolism: Lavender plants are not native to the Americas; they were brought over by Europeans, probably in the 1800’s. Although Native Americans did begin using some newly arrived plants as medicine immediately, and folklore about the new plants sometimes even cropped up (dandelions are an example of this), references to “lavender” in Native American folklore and ethnographies are usually actually referring to desert lavender, a flowering shrub with some physical similarities to lavender that actually is completely unrelated to lavender. Desert lavender, also known as lavender bushmint, grows in parts of Arizona, southern California, and northern Mexico, and has long been used as a medicinal herb by Native American tribes who live there.

Leek: Love, Protection, Exorcism

Lemon: Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship

Lemongrass: Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic powers

Lemon Verbena: Purification, Love

Lettuce: Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep

Licorice: Love, Lust, Fidelity

Life Everlasting: longevity, Health, Healing

Lilac: Exorcism, Protection

Lily: Protection, Breaking Love spells. This symbolizes sorrow and is closely associated to death. It is used to symbolize danger, caution and deadly beauty.

Lily of the Valley: Mental Powers, Happiness

Lime: Healing, Love, Protection

Linden: Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep

Liquidamber: Protection

Liverwort: Protection, Love

Looestrife: Peace, Protection

Lotus: Protection, Lock-Opening. Used to symbolize intellect, mental energies and illumination. It is used to clear the mind, purify and inspire.

Lovage: Love

Love Seed: Love, Friendship

Lucky Hand: Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel

Mace: Psychic Powers, Mental Powers

Maguey: Lust

Magnolia: Fidelity

Mahogany, mountain: Anti-Lightning

Maidenhair: Beauty, Love

Male Fern: Luck, Love

Mallow: Love, Protection, Exorcism

Mandrake: Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health. With its root having the appearance of a man and it reportedly screaming when it is removed from the ground it was often used for curses and negative spells.

Maple: Love, Longevity, Money. Special for its sugar and syrup it represents success and abundance.

Native American Symbolism: The Maple symbolizes the tree of offering, generosity, balance, promise and practicality. The maple tree was of particular importance to the Algonquian tribes of the northwestern United States and western Canada, who developed the art of processing maple sap into maple sugar, maple syrup, and taffy candy. Maple sap was often considered a gift from the Creator and/or the culture hero, and many aspects of Algonquian culture and tradition came to revolve around maple sugaring. For these reasons, the maple leaf symbol was an important design motif in Algonquian beadwork. Maple trees were important to Native peoples in other ways as well. Maple wood was used to make tools and furniture, and its bark was used as a medicine herb. The Rocky Mountain maple is considered one of the sacred Life Medicines of the Navajo tribe.

Marigold: Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, Psychic Powers

Marjoram: Protection, love, Happiness, Health, Money

Master Wort: Strength, Courage, Protection

Mastic: Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust

May Apple: Money

Meadow Rue: Divination

Meadowsweet: Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness

Mesquite: Healing

Mimosa: Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification

Mint: Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection

Mistletoe: Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism. Extremely sacred to the druids, when found growing on Oaks it is very magical and is a great catalyst for all spells.

Molukka: Protection

Moonwort: Money, Love

Moss: Luck, Money

Native American Symbolism: Moss was viewed as a very practical plant in most Native American tribes. Since moss is one of the most naturally absorbent materials available, it was valued by Native Americans for use in bandages, baby diapers and bedding, sponges, and paint applicators. Dried moss was also used as a firestarter in some tribes. Moss is often used as an example of Native American cultural beliefs about finding the best uses of everything in nature, no matter how lowly. Some mosses, like Spanish moss and club moss, were also used as medicine herbs.

Mugwort: Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection. This plant represents clumsiness, awkwardness, and ugliness. As may be assumed this plant is used to infer these qualities onto our enemies.

Native American Symbolism: Mugwort and Sagewort are the English names for this plant, and both are confusing: mugwort is an Old English name for a European herb which was applied to the related but quite different American plant after colonization, and sagewort is a general term which is used to refer to dozens of different herbs including this one. The Chumash Indian name for the plant is Molush, and the Paiute name is translated as Dream Plant, a name that has been gaining in popularity. The name “dream plant” comes because mugwort is believed by many California Indian tribes to improve people’s dreams, making it more likely for them to remember them and interact with them for spiritual purposes. For this reason mugworts would often be burned as incense or dried and sewn into a pillow to ensure positive and spiritually meaningful dreams. Some Miwok people also wore mugwort leaves to keep away ghosts and evil dreams. In addition to these important roles as a dreaming agent, mugwort was also used as a medicine herb to cure headaches, women’s reproductive complications, and other ailments.

Mulberry: Protection, Strength

Mullein: Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism

Mustard: Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers

Mushrooms: Considered to be very enchanted especially regarding fairy rings. They were also used to induce visions.

Myrrh: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality. Myrrh symbolizes power, strength, vitality, and mysticism it can be used to increase ones energy and stamina.

Myrtle: Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money

Nettle: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust. Though prickly it was also a great source of food, it is useful for spells that give an indication of future dangers or pitfalls.

Native American Symbolism: Stinging nettles most often appear in Native American legends as comic relief, with the bumbling arrogance of a trickster character (or the gullible stupidity of one of his victims) ending in an ignominious tumble into the nettles. In reality, Native American people knew perfectly well how to avoid being stung by nettle plants and in fact, how to eat them safely in salads (by boiling the leaves in water and discarding the water.) Stinging nettles also played a role in traditional Native American herbal medicine, particularly to treat skin ailments. Ceremonially, stinging nettles were most important in the Pacific Northwest, where men rubbed nettles on their bodies in fishing, whaling, and seal-hunting rituals. This was variously said to provide strength, protect against weather, or mask human odors. In the Kawaiisu tribe of southern California, stinging nettles were one of several herbs considered to be a source of dream power, and a person who wished to have a medicine vision might walk through nettle plants so that the stings would prepare him for the dreams.

Norfolk Island Pine: Protection, Anti Hunger

Nuts: Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck

Oak: Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck

Native American Symbolism: The oak symbolizes strength of character and courage. Oak is considered a medicine tree by many eastern and midwestern tribes, associated with strength and protection. Individual oak trees of great size and longevity have often been considered sacred and used as spiritual and civic centers for important tribal gatherings (such as weddings, peace conferences, and naming ceremonies.)

Oats: Money

Oleander: Symbolizing majestic yet deadly beauty because it is poisonous it is good for spells that involve charms, charisma, and attraction.

Olive: Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust

Onion: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust

Orange: Love, Divination, Luck, Money

Orchid: Love

Oregon Grape: Money, Prosperity

Orris: Love, Protection, Divination

Palm, Date: Fertility, Potency

Pansy: Love, Rain Magic, Love, Divination

Papaya: Love, Protection

Papyrus: Protection

Parosela: Hunting

Parsley: Love, Protection, Purification. This is a very popular herb, it represents stability and normalcy. It can be used to stabilize or ground emotions.

Passion Flower: Peace, Sleep, Friendship

Patchouly: Money, Fertility, Lust

Pea: Money, Love

Peach: Love, Exorcism, Longevity, . Fertility, Wishes

Pear: Lust, Love

Pecan: Money, Employment

Pennyroyal: Strength, Protection, Peace. Seen as a majestic and noble plant, it is used to improve ones own status and stature.

Peony: Protection, Exorcism

Pepper: Protection, Exorcism

Peppermint: Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers

Pepper Tree: Purification, Healing, Protection

Periwinkle: Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection

Persimmon: Changing Sex, Healing, Luck

Native American Symbolism: The persimmon is one of several plants with a name that comes from a Native American language– “persimmon” is an early colonial word that comes from the Powhatan name for the fruit, pichamin (also spelled putchamin, pessemmin, pushemin, parsemen, and a number of other ways… spelling was not standardized in the 1600’s even for English, let alone Native American languages.) Persimmons were a favorite fruit of many tribes, either eaten plain or cooked into sweet puddings. The persimmon tree’s bark and syrup were also used as medicine herbs, particularly for sore throats and mouth ailments.

Plot Weed: Protection

Pimento: Love

Pimpernel: Protection, Health

Pine: Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money

Native American Symbolism: The pine tree symbolizes creativity, peace and harmony. Pines are symbolically and ceremonially important trees to many Native American people, but their meaning varies from tribe to tribe. The pine tree is a symbol of longevity to the Algonquian tribes of the northeast, and to the Great Lakes tribes, such as the Anishinabe and the Potawatomi, pine trees also represent wisdom and harmony with nature. The Iroquois tribes saw the pine tree as a symbol of peace, and burned pine wood as an incense to pacify ghosts and banish nightmares. Among tribes of the Great Basin and Plateau, pine trees were often associated with rain, and pine cones or wood were burned in hopes of changing the weather to be more favorable. In the Southwest, the pinion pine is considered sacred by some tribes; its sweet-smelling wood is burned as incense, and its pine gum is used as protection against witchcraft. Pine pitch and bark are also used as medicine herbs in many tribes, and pine nuts are an important food source for many Western tribes, particularly in California and the Southwest. Pine needles are also used in some traditional kinds of Native American basketry.

Pineapple: Luck, Money, Chastity

Pipsissewa: Money, Spirit Calling

Pistachio: Breaking Love Spells

Plantain: Healing, Protection, Strength, Snake Repelling

Plum: Healing

Plumeria: Love

Poke: Courage, Hex Breaking

Pomegranate: Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility

Poplar: Money, Flying

Poppy: Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, Invisibility

Potato: Image Magic, Healing

Prickly Ash: Love

Primrose: Protection, Love

Purslane: Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, Happiness

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