Search Results for '"schumann resonance"'

Understanding Schumann Resonance Blackouts
The Schumann Resonance (SR) is a naturally occurring electromagnetic resonance that exists within the Earth’s ionosphere, created by the interaction of lightning strikes with the Earth’s surface. It is a series of frequencies that oscillate at around 7.83 Hz and extend to the higher frequencies of 50 Hz. These frequencies are thought to have a significant impact on human consciousness and are believed to be responsible for many of the spiritual and psychic experiences that people report having.

In5D Spirit Chat Schumann Resonance & More!
In5D’s Gregg Prescott talks about the recent Schumann Resonance whiteout and much more!

Free Tarot Card Readings by Alison Janes, Schumann Resonance BLAST – In5D Spirit Chat
Join In5D’s Gregg Prescott as we talk about the most recent Schumann Resonance Whiteout and afterwards, we are joined by psychic Tarot Card reader Alison Janes as she reads cards for our viewers!

In5D Spirit Chat – Schumann Resonance BLAST, Free Tarot Card Readings
Join In5D’s Gregg Prescott as we talk about the most recent Schumann Resonance Whiteout and afterwards, we are joined by psychic Tarot Card reader Alison Janes as she reads cards for our viewers!

Wow! Schumann Resonance Update – In5D Live with Gregg Prescott
In5D’s Gregg Prescott hosts a live In5D Podcast on Zoom and chats with numerous guests about the latest Schumann Resonance whiteout.

Today’s Live Schumann Resonance Charts And Resources
Today’s Live Schumann Resonance Charts And Resources – Many people within this genre are following the Schumann Resonance (SR) charts on a daily basis. What we are looking for are similarities and anomalies within these charts and in the past year, we have seen plenty of them!

Pulsating Anomalies In The Schumann Resonance And Sun
An interesting development has arisen in regard to the Schumann Resonance chart and our sun. While it is still unclear if the two are related, they both have similar attributes.

Pleiadians – Schumann Resonance And DNA Upgrades
by Anonymous, Contributing Writer, This cosmic Ascension is in full force and the Gamma Light energies are being measured by every space agency on this planet. Remember, this is not just happening there is always a cause which is always initiated first as a thought in the mind of an intelligent being. Currently there […]

Schumann Resonance Amplitude Maxed Out At 150!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, The maximum amplitude of the Schumann Resonance (SR) is 150.00 We hit that for a two hour period between 10PM and midnight on March 16, 2019. What caused this spike in the SR amplitude? It could be a number of things: solar flares, a weakening of […]

24 Hour Schumann Resonance WHITEOUT!
Beginning around 8am Eastern time on March 16th, 2019 and continuing for 24 hours, we saw a complete WHITEOUT of the SCHUMANN RESONANCE!

SCHUMANN RESONANCE WHITEOUT! I’d be willing to bet that the Schumann Resonance (SR) has been reacting to us entering the Photon Belt. I was about to take a nap when I noticed what it’s doing right now… a WHITEOUT!

Schumann Resonance Actually LOOKS Like A Wave!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, The Schumann Resonance chart (SR) has been very anomalous this month. On March 2nd, 2019, we saw an odd curve in the SR chart: This brought in a wave of energy that allowed for upgrades through sleep. In conjunction with this wave, many of us experienced […]

Bizarre! Schumann Resonance Goes Horizontal
This is a really interesting Schumann Resonance (SR) pattern. I don’t recall seeing something like this before. The lines appear to be more horizontal than vertical. This seemed to happen shortly after we recently saw those strange curved lines in the SR.

Energy Update – Ongoing Schumann Resonance Waves Right Now
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Energy Update – Ongoing Schumann Resonance Waves Right Now I’m experiencing the same patterns as last night. In bed by 10, up at midnight. High pitched frequencies in both ears. Yesterday’s frequencies were in the key of C Major. Today, it’s A Major. The meaning of A […]

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, So, not only do we have these intense energies coming in at us in full forces, we also have a New Moon in Virgo! If you look at the GCMS Magnetometer Schumann Resonances Power chart, the numbers are literally OFF THE BOARD! Last night, I was in bed […]

Schumann Resonance Update – September 8, 2018 – MAJOR INCOMING ENERGIES
Shumann Resonance Update – I KNEW a Schumann Resonance wave was going through right now!!! This Schumann Resonance wave looks pretty heavy duty, everyone. Despite sleeping well last night, I feel like I NEED a nap RIGHT NOW!

Schumann Resonance Report August 30, 2018: TIRED!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Even after taking a long nap yesterday, I was in bed by 10pm and woke up at 4:43am. Before going to bed, I once again had crown chakra activity, predominantly on the right side of my head. I awakened numerous times throughout the night but woke […]

In5D Afterthoughts – HUGE Weekend Schumann Resonance Energy!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In this episode of In5D Afterthoughts, In5D’s Gregg Prescott talks about the recent Schumann Resonance surge along with the Pisces Full Moon, ascension symptoms, an d more. Gregg also addresses questions that he missed on his previous In5D Facebook Live as well as covering a few […]

Schumann Resonance Energy Update – Another Big Jolt August 27, 2018!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, We just experienced another big Schumann Resonance (SR) energy wave earlier today, August 27, 2018 around 9AM Eastern. I could feel this one coming on last night as I was up until at least 5am when I developed a headache. I remember seeing 4:44 on my cell […]

Energy Update – Wild Weekend For Schumann Resonances!
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, On Saturday at 3:23 am, I was WIDE AWAKE. I slept for 4 hours and it felt like I slept all night. When this happens, I always check the Schumann Resonance chart. In this case, it was going berserk as massive energies were flooding the planet. […]

Schumann Resonance And The Time Speeding Up Phenomenon
Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. Some […]

Staying In Tune With The Schumann Resonance Is Key To Our Well Being
by Joe Martino, CollectiveEvolution The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life. “Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life” In […]

1 Hour 432Hz Schumann Resonance Meditation
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, For this meditation, wear headphones for optimal results! The Schumann Resonance is a frequency of sound generated between the symbiotic relationship of our planet and the cosmos. Many regard this frequency as rising in nature and benevolent to spiritual meditations as well as physical healing. The […]

New Energies and Distorted Realities
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, While it’s true that there are a lot of new energies arriving on our planet, some people are using photoshop to distort your reality. On Messenger, I was sent the photo on the left and wondered if I could replicate it, or even make it better […]