Search Results for 'bill donahue'
The Truth About Easter And The Secret Worship Of The Anunnaki
The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “The Easter Celebration – History of Its Hidden Origins“. Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition. Further – the Bible does not mention anything about […]
The Controllers Agenda Exposed – An Inconvenient Harvest
For one seeking enlightenment in the form of new enhanced consciousness and enlarged perceptive faculty, be prepared to divest yourself of all past preconceptions and thought-habits and, with childlike meekness and docility, surrender the mind to the reception of some novel and unexpected truths.
What Does Ascension Mean?
by Geoffrey West, CosmicVisionNews I had a conversation with someone this past week, an individual whom I am coming to regard as a wonderful and close new friend. She was asking me about the process of ascension, and how it would unfold. She asked me how those who were left behind would deal with people […]
What Is My Role And How Do I Prepare For The Ripple Effect?
by Max and Lana, Guest writers, Have you ever thrown a giant rock into the water and watched it create a big splash—which quickly faded out? But what happened when you threw smaller stones into different areas of the pond? You created ripples that created more ripples that lasted for a very long time. […]
Lessons Learned From a Near Death Experience
The following is a summary of Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s near death experience, excerpted from the book, “The Near-Death Experience: A Reader” by Lee W. Bailey:
The World Of Quantum Physics: EVERYTHING Is Energy
by John Assaraf, Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of Quantum Physics. They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold […]
Was Jesus An Extraterrestrial Or Possibly An Anunnaki Hybrid?
Is it possible that Jesus was an Anunnaki hybrid? From what we’ve seen over and over again, the truth is always hidden under a pile of lies and is twisted and turned upside down until what little truth remains is so obscured that we don’t know what to believe any more.
A Look Into The Origins Of Mankind: Does This Explain Evolution’s “Missing Link?”
*Information from this article is taken from Gerald R. Clark’s The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order. For more information regarding the subject please check out his book.*
Unicorns: History, Magic, Myth and Symbolism
by Kendra, Contributing Autho, “…Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the Unicorn, “If you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.” – Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll The Legend of the Unicorn, a powerhouse of Historical Significance, Magic, Myth and Symbolism. Sightings of this elusive creature have been reported […]
Conversations with A & A: The Real Creation Story
A History of the Nebadon Universe and the Sol Sun System.