Search Results for 'dna'
432 hz SLEEP, Inner Peace, DNA Repair, Release Blockages Frequency Music Meditation 1 HOUR!
432Hz is a holistic approach to wellness. Specific frequencies and energy centers can be harnessed to promote balance, relaxation, and a harmonious connection with the spiritual aspects of one’s being. Use this when you meditate but DO NOT use this while driving or operating heavy equipment.
Prophetic Dreams – New Earth, DNA Upgrades, Transformation, And UFOs
Have you ever had a dream that was a premonition of the future? How about unusual dreams, such as seeing UFOs or being aboard a mothership? Many dreams are metaphors for events that happened throughout the day that still need to be resolved. Ultimately, dreams are a complex interplay of various factors, including daytime experiences, emotions, unconscious desires, and archetypal themes.
This Week In Astrology – Our Amazing DNA Is Lighting Up
Our DNA is lighting up to guide us to the highest path. Look within. The truth is there.
Tiffany Keefer – Twin Flames & DNA Activation – In5D LIVE!
In5D’s Gregg Prescott chats with Tiffany Keefer about DNA Activation and Twin Flames.
Dreams, DNA, Ley Lines, Crystals, & More! In5D Spirit Chat
Join In5D’s Gregg Prescott for an informal Spirit Chat where we cover a ton of topics, including Dreams, DNA, Ley Lines, Crystals, & More!
DNA Upgrades, Biofeedback, Pole Shift and MORE! In5D Live with Karen Macdonald
In5D’s Gregg Prescott talks with Karen Ann Lucyk Macdonald about DNA Upgrades, Biofeedback, Pole Shift and MUCH MORE!
Dr. Len Horowitz – Spirituality, Water, And DNA
Dr. Leonard Horowitz talks to us about spirituality, the miracle of water and how water affects our DNA.
Our DNA Is Morphing
Our DNA is morphing being brought on by these higher energies we are receiving from our central sun. A fully functioning human being as originally designed and created had 12 fully functioning strands of DNA. We were once a being that was one with Light (God) in our ancient times.
Transformation Of Our DNA
We have been stuck in a Universal time Matrix meaning the DNA of the human being has been cut off from the higher frequencies of higher dimensions. Our DNA is now starting to catch up with those higher frequencies.
ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms
ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms – We have finally moved past the intensity of the first three months of 2019. Opportunities for lightbody activation, spiritual growth and DNA upgrades were paired with hard core karmic clearing. Ancestral traumas attached to our lineage have been recognized and released.
Pleiadians – Schumann Resonance And DNA Upgrades
by Anonymous, Contributing Writer, This cosmic Ascension is in full force and the Gamma Light energies are being measured by every space agency on this planet. Remember, this is not just happening there is always a cause which is always initiated first as a thought in the mind of an intelligent being. Currently there […]
DNA Activation, Upgrade, and Ascension
DNA contains the instructions for a living organism to grow and function. It tells the cells what role they need to play in the body. It gives instructions to make your heart cells beat, for your limbs to form in the right place, your immune system to fight infection and your digestion system to digest your dinner.
Sun Is Projecting DNA Light Codes
Have just been reading some of the posts about the concentric rings coming from the Sun and the Plasma bursts. Most people are reading this as the Sun in transition.
FREE! 1 Hour DNA RNA Codon Activation Mantra WITH AMBIENT MUSIC!
LISTEN TO THIS MANTRA WHEN YOU GO TO BED! I added an ambient song by Anahata called, “Balance”. Every day, I work on my DNA/RNA using a wide range of practices, including sigils, sound, visuals, energized water, affirmations, mantras, binary code, and meditation.
1 Hour DNA RNA Codon Activation Mantra
Every day, I work on my DNA/RNA using a wide range of practices, including sigils, sound, visuals, energized water, affirmations, mantras, binary code, and meditation. You can find out more about my exact process in this article, “How Can We Change Our DNA Right Now?”.
DNA – Transcription Of Light
DNA transcription is the change of our cellular light structure to a lighter frequency that vibrates on a level of higher consciousness. The frequency of sound and light this is infiltrating, and part of the planet structure, is the DNA frequency of the future, the present, the now.
How Can We Change Our DNA Right Now?
According to Gregg Braden’s research, we are only utilizing 20 of the 64 codons in our DNA. What might we be capable of doing if all of the codons in our DNA were turned on? Perhaps we could perform every latent metaphysical ability such as healing ourselves and others (including this planet), telepathy, teleporting ourselves anywhere, bilocating, manifesting anything out of thin air, seeing into other dimensions, etc…
Activating Your Latent DNA Is Easier Than You Think
One of the most prevalent questions about ascension is how to activate DNA. If you remember that everything is backwards and upside down, you will have a good clue to what it takes to activate your latent DNA. Connecting the “junk DNA”, referred to by matrix scientists, is actually the key to experiencing new abilities and creating new realities.
New Earth News – Multidimensional DNA Provides Multiple 3rd Earth Possibilities
Dolores Cannon was a pioneer in discussing the possibility of the bifurcation of two Earths. The promise of a New Earth has kept many of us hopeful as we are ready to leave the lower density Earth. Starseeds are especially ready to exist on a peaceful high vibrational 5d Earth where there is no money, and some are even dreaming of going “home”. Recent introspection and confirmation has led me to believe that we may have actually created something different than just a two Earth split from 3d to 5d, and I will share my understanding of this in this article.
DNA: 2 Strand To 12 Strand. Where Do You Stand?
For the millions of years that humans have populated Gaia and since science has reached “new levels” everyone has heard about DNA and their DNA. It’s nothing new, so why is DNA becoming so relevant and talked about again?
Are You Ready To Activate Your DNA And Physically Integrate Your Higher Self?
Lightworkers, it is time to answer the clarion call. 6 times they have attempted to bring humanity to light and failed. This is the last and final attempt. The time is now to awaken from the long slumber. To know that we are not alone and there are things available to assist in this turbulent time.
New Earth News – How Your DNA Codons Can Activate Others
As we continue to receive waves of energy that are activating our DNA codons in preparation for the shift into a fifth dimensional New Earth, the “domino effect” causes our auric field to positively affect everyone we come in contact with. Our activated DNA codons can affect the DNA of the gorcery store clerk, the people walking at the mall, schools, and our workplace.
Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade
The tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made up of molecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is reached. At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for our bodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the subatomic level. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth Changes occur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes are due to occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past types of behavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.