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Starseeds And Our Human Origins

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Starseeds And Our Human Origins

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,


And Our Human Origins

In5D’s Gregg Prescott discusses Starseeds and Our Human Origins.  Where did we come from? How did we get here?  Did we all come from Adam and Eve or did the Anunnaki create an Adama Race of slaves to mine gold for them?  Is it possible that various star nations such as the Pleiades and Andromeda seeded us here?

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There are 4 blood types on Earth: A, B, AB, and O.  There are two different Rh values, either + or -.  How is it possible to have 4 different blood types and two different Rh values from two people, Adam and Eve?

Why do artists interpretations of Adam & Eve contain belly buttons?

Starseeds And Our Human Origins

Mandela Effect: No apple was mentioned in the Genesis creation story:

Starseeds And Our Human Origins


Assuming the Great Flood occurred, if the only people to survive were Noah and his family, then did Noah bring aboard two of every ethnicity and blood type on his Ark?

If he brought two of every animal aboard the Ark, are all subsequent animals the product of incest?

How did Noah gather animals that weren’t indigenous to his region, such as polar bears, penguins, and sea lions?  How, and when, did he return them to their geographical location(s)?

Starseeds And Our Human Origins

Links from the above video:

In5D Quantum Tie Dye

Starseeds And Our Human Origins

This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity

Edgar Cayce Talking About The Arcturians

FREE Past Life Regression Self Hypnosis Mp3!

Which Star System Did YOU Originate From?

BLOODLINES: Let US Make Man In OUR Image – Who Is ‘US’ And ‘OUR’?

 In5D Tie Dye Shop - in5d.NET

What are YOUR thoughts on how we arrived here on Planet Earth?  Leave your comment below!

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia.  He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. You can find every episode of “The BIGGER Picture with Gregg Prescott” on Bitchute while all of his In5D Radio shows are on the In5D Youtube channel. He is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Please like and follow In5D on Gab,  In5D TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Rumble, Twitter, and  In5D on Facebook!/

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