Tag: Adrienne Goff

Four Crystals For Empaths And Sensitive Souls
Being an empath is a beautiful gift and a spiritual superpower, although it might not always feel like it. An empath is somebody who is able to feel the emotions, the energy, and even the physical pain of others. They tend to have a heart of gold and a highly developed intuitive sense.

Nine Reasons To Work With Calcite!
I am somebody who always pays close attention to my dreams. I know that my soul and subconscious mind can use dreams as a vehicle to bypass my waking consciousness and deliver important messages. This is especially true during powerful energetic windows, such as the one we are currently in. March brings us two eclipses and an equinox, which can accelerate our spiritual growth process and draw a lot to the surface for healing.

Crystals for Spiritual Upgrade & Light Code Integration
Have you ever been in an altered state of consciousness, and all of a sudden you get a fleeting vision of symbols, geometry, complex mathematical equations, hieroglyphics, or something that looks like morse code?