Tag: advice
How To Induce Lucid Dreaming
At least half of all adults have had one lucid dream in their lifetime. Many have reported having lucid dreams without even trying. Often flying is associated with lucid dreams. With practice, lucid dreaming can be learned and achieved at your will.
Magic Of The Ancients – 5 Incredible Texts Of Spells, Curses, And Incantations
As long as humanity has had beliefs in a higher power, the use of magic, spells, curses, and incantations have featured widely across cultures. A number of influential texts or ‘grimoires’ (textbooks of magic) were developed over the centuries, many of which became the books of choice for secret societies and occult organizations that endured well into the twentieth century. Here we feature five manuscripts that provide a fascinating window into the magic of the ancients.
21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul
You can say it’s because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness. Personal changes of this magnitude can be difficult to recognize and to understand, but here are 21 traits of an awakening soul, a ‘sensitive’, or an ‘empath.’
If I’m Waking Up, Why Don’t I Feel Better?
Countless times now, very talented, intelligent, and wonderful people have asked us if they are doing something wrong because they have been ‘waking up’ for a while, but still feel so lost, confused, and frustrated in many areas of their lives. The truth is that waking up to consciousness– while still living in this 3D world– inevitably involves feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, and/or being overwhelmed. After all, if when “your veil lifted” you woke up to a perfect, joyous, peaceful, and welcoming world, you and other light workers probably wouldn’t need to be on this planet right now to help initiate change around you!
In5D Radio – The Dark Night of the Soul and The Shift – Ep. #6
On Monday, April 29th, 2013, In5D Radio’s special guests were our callers as we talked about the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’. We had a full night of callers who were either going through the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ or have been there and shared their experiences and advice with our listeners.