Tag: angels and guides
As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection
by Kim Semetis, Contributing Writer, In5D.com As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection Once we reach the fifth dimension and higher we no longer turn to anyone and anything outside of ourselves for protection because we know that we ARE the UNIVERSE. In the third and fourth dimension we may send […]
Synchronicity: Understanding And Using A Simple, Effective Tool For Soul Ascension
by Joy Jackson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com “Synchronicity gives us an invitation to explore a greater reality.” – David Wilcock, Author, The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You, The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies, and The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and […]
Angels And Guides – Your Unseen Audience
To keep us on our chosen path, we do have angels and guides that communicate with us as our unseen audience. Most of us are unaware that they are even there or exist, because we don’t see or hear them. But they are the whisper in your ear, the song you hear, the phrase on TV, the number you see on a license plate, intuition, the tone in your ear, the goosebumps or chills when truth is spoken, the déjà vu feeling when you are meant to pay attention…
The ways are endless.
Higher Frequency Upgrades
We again have huge crystalline particles visible as we activate these cellular upgrading frequencies continually now. As we continue to move into the higher frequencies, solar flares cease and only crystalline exists. The frequencies change for us.
Deepak Chopra: Dealing With Negativity
There are a number of different techniques to deal with negativity. It takes time before you find the right response to suit a specific situation. The more patient you are with yourself, the better. One day you may need tears, the next day it’s a matter of patiently waiting or talking to your inner self. Here are some methods of dealing with negativity to add to your repertoire