Tag: blogtalk

In5D Radio – Jordan Maxwell – Do Your Homework! Episode 16
Gregg Prescott and Kendra interviewed our returning guest, Jordan Maxwell, on In5D Radio as we covered a wide range of topics including astrotheology, Rh- blood types, evolution, UFO’s, extraterrestrials and much more!

In5D Radio Jordan Maxwell – The Antichrist Revealed? Episode #2
In5D Radio hosted an AMAZING show Monday night April 1st, 2013 as Gregg Prescott and Heidi Kole interviewed our special guest, Jordan Maxwell who told us who he believes is the ‘Antichrist’. He also broke some news about releasing a 5 hour video interview he did with the late Dr. Alan Snow, Phd, whose research […]

In5D Radio – What Led To Your Spiritual Awakening? – Episode #1
In5D Radio kicked off Monday night at 7PM EST, 4PM Pacific and 12 midnight UK time as myself, Gregg Prescott and my cohost, Heidi Kole discussed ‘What Led To Your Spiritual Awakening?’ Find us and tune into our show on BlogTalkRadio HERE Next week, we’ll be interviewing Jordan Maxwell and he’s gonna tell us his […]