Tag: conscious

100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness
Choose an activity that you enjoy that renews your sense of well-being and resonates congruently with your soul.

Dreams, Timelines And Parallel Worlds
Like many of you, I have had dreams in my life, including recurring ones, that were clearly significant. I can’t say I’m an adept interpreter but many of us try to consciously get whatever message we think there may be for us from dreams.

16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On the Right Path
It usually takes a bit of discomfort to break through to a new understanding, to release a limiting belief, to motivate ourselves to create real change. Discomfort is a signal, one that is often very helpful. Here are a few (less than desirable) feelings that may indicate you’re on the right path after all.

10 Ways To Become More Conscious
The following list includes examples of how you can add fuel to your flame of consciousness to become a raging inferno of consciousness.

Science – We Unconsciously React To Events Up to 10 Seconds Before They Happen
by DailyGrail Can your brain detect events before they even occur? That was the stunning conclusion of a 2012 meta-analysis of experiments from seven independent laboratories over the last 35 years, which found that the human body “can apparently detect randomly delivered stimuli occurring 1-10 seconds in the future” (Mossbridge, Tressoldi, & Utts, 2012). In […]

Relationships In The New Energies
by Stefanie Miller Everything in creation holds an energy frequency. It seems so obvious to many of us. Yet, so many have not embraced that philosophy. There are those that still choose to live unconsciously and make choices that are not in direct alignment and in harmony with their lives. Living, as well as non-living […]