Tag: focused intentions

10 Key Tools For Successful Cosmic Zen Surfing
When we ride waves of higher frequencies, enabling recalibration of our mind body soul system, we take control of our own evolution. Using the tools we have been taught, understanding when and how to use them, gives us a sense of balance, of belonging to a multi dimensional world. We can ride tidal waves of DNA upgrades safely, releasing karma, embracing love and realigning our energetic systems.

10 Helpful Hints For A Heart Led Christmas Season
by Morag, Contributing Writer, In5D.com For those celebrating Christmas, this is the season of good will to all, a time of giving… and consumerism, commercialization, consumption. The pressure to buy, buy, buy. How do we survive this kind of pressure with our soul, our dignity and wallets intact? Here are ten helpful hints for a […]