Tag: free will

Return To Source – Philosophy And The Matrix
This fascinating documentary is about the film The Matrix and its relationship to philosophy and philosophical themes. The discussion is broad and explains how masterfully and seamlessly the movie touches on everything from Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Nietzsche, Baudrillard, Borges, Nozick, LaPlace, Hume, Schopenhauer to religion, meaning, purpose, causality, free will, consciousness, love, intuition, […]

Near Death Experience: Magical Times Are Upon Us!
AngelicView: The following is a truly beautiful Near Death Experience (NDE) that happened as a result of a motorcycle accident. She tells us that there are truly magical times ahead. Very lightly edited for easier readability.

3 Tips to Manifest Your Desires
At your current level of evolution, you are not able to instantaneously manifest your desires. However, you can increase your success rate of manifesting your desires by understanding how thought works.

Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know
As a person climbs the ladder of spiritual progression in this lifetime, there are particular terms that describe various stages of development. In order to maximize the opportunity of this lifetime, there are at least thirty important spiritual terms you should become familiar with. All of these terms are part of the reason we incarnated and mastering the meaning of each of these is likened to initiation. When you master the initiations you prove that you are ready to move to the next experience.

Inside The Wicca Circle – Feeling The Magic
by Lori Ann Robinson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Living a magical lifestyle isn’t always easy. In today’s society where paganism, specifically Wicca, has become less taboo and more mainstream, many people are drifting away from organized religion and finding their way back to nature and the old ways. Why is this? It can be for a […]

The Founders And The Creation Of Our Galactic Families
While many of us wonder where our galactic origins come from, where did our galactic ancestors come from, such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, Arcturians, etc..? by Lyssa Royal “I am Ra, from whom time began. I am the hub of a wheel, A day star hovering over an endless sea. I am not the […]

Dolores Cannon – 5D Earth is Here!
Among some of the ascension symptoms Dolores talked about include: high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, depression, joint aches and pains, ringing in the ears and headaches. Cannon stated, “These don’t all happen at once. You might have one every few days,” adding that your physician will not understand that this is your body adjusting to the new frequencies. “If you just wait a few days“ Cannon stated, “you’ll be just fine. It is just the body as it is adjusting (to the new frequencies).”

What If EVERYONE Was Wealthy Beyond Their Wildest Dreams?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What if EVERYONE was wealthy beyond their wildest dreams? Who would still want to work if money wasn’t an issue anymore? How would that affect our every day lives and our perceived “freedom”? I often use an analogy of freedom as a man walking his dog. […]

Inner Earth Dracos And The False Light Campaign
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, In5D.com We know about the false light in the afterlife that has magnetically pulled our soul into the reincarnation trap. Now we are uncovering the campaign here on Earth that has kept us under a spell lifetime after lifetime so that we can finally break free of the false […]

Edgar Cayce – Time And ‘No Time’
What did Edgar Cayce mean when he said, ‘There is no time’? Time, as we know it on this planet, is only as relevant as it is to how our planet spins to create the illusion of “one day”. If you are 30 years old in “Earth years” and were to live your entire life on Mars, whose average “day” is about 28-29 hours, your Mars age would be 24 years old.

Current And Future Advice From A Walk-In Soul
Walk-in souls are souls who either give your current soul a break or will replace your soul if your soul no longer wants to be in this 3rd dimensional density. In this interview, you will learn a lot about what to expect right now and in the future from a walk-in soul.

Moving From Darkness Into Light
There are many changes happening upon the planet that is affecting each of you. Many of you feel the need to get things done. Many feel the impulse to move to a new location or are having difficulties finding your place in the work field. These are natural occurrences; let these things flow through you and not get caught in the angst of the moment. Many of you are leaving the planet, dying in quick and sometimes unusual ways. A host of you are having emotional and mental issues arising as a result of repressed feelings of childhood memories. Hospitals are filling with those who have contracted diseases such as cancer and heart disorders. This is all part of the ascension process.

The 20 Universal Laws
In an ideal society, all current UCC Maritime laws would be replaced with the 20 Universal Laws: 1. The Universal Law of Harmony This law supersedes even the fundamental law of Karma, for harmony is the supreme potential of balance. The purpose of Karma is to attain harmony. If you throw a rock into a […]

Money And The Myth Of Freedom
What if EVERYONE was wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and how would that affect our perceived “freedom”? I often use an analogy of freedom as a man walking his dog. The man is the government, you are the dog and the leash is your freedom.