Tag: harmony

Spiritual Perception
by Patrick Herbert, Contributing Writer, In5D.com Spiritual Perception Life is whatever our perception of it is. Our perception is the ultimate authority. When external events are internalized, we are presented with a choice. How do we choose to perceive these events? In what way can we alter our perception so that we will ultimately benefit […]

Embracing The Shadow Self
What should you do when you experience a spiritual awakening in which you realize reality is an illusion, everything is connected, and you’re slowly evolving on a mental, physical, and spiritual level? It’s lot to take in, and what you do afterward is crucial.

This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean
Have you ever found a feather and wondered what it specifically meant? Please refer to the above chart to find out! Related article: The Messages Of Feathers In5D Addendum Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com In the article entitled, “This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity,” Robert Morning Sky stated: When […]

Were You Born On A Cusp?
Your Sun sign represents the sign of the zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower and ego. It is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual – who you are and what you are about. The main direction and focus you want your […]

Your Body Is A Universe
by Tiara Kumara, Contributing Writer,In5D.com This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS: Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness. Complimentary enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes. http://morphogenesis.iamavatar.org/ When we come across the terms ‘Divine Consciousness‘, ‘unified field’ or even ‘multidimensional perception’, we don’t have to go so far from home to understand what these […]

The Importance Of Sovereignty
by Stephen Buck, It is said that you have the innate ability and right to take control of your life and manifest it in accordance to your highest potential. Free will allows us the gift of self expression and governance; it is, arguably, the very essence of what it means to be a sentient human […]

Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 – Sudden Changes
This is the Last Super Full Moon for 2016. The Super Full Moon in Gemini at 8:05 pm AST on December 13th, 2016, may be packed with plenty of sudden changes. ALL Frequencies interact with your unique frequencies based on your Soul Blueprint. So what you feel within you, is unique to you.

Energy Update – Mass Consciousness Shifting, The Release Of The Old Program
by L’Aura Pleiadian, As everything arises, the anger, the protests, that opposes WHAT is ~ is up for transformation. Mass consciousness is in a constant activation and awakening mode, as the evolution, continues. Moment to moment. Hour to hour you are receiving activations. ALL that is of a lower frequency within your cellular consciousness (your […]

Top 50 John Lennon Quotes
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com 50 inspirational quotes from John Lennon. John Lennon was one of those rare people who was more influenced by peace and harmony than living an affluent life. His words were not only deep but inspiring. While John did not lead a very long life, his words […]

New Earth Ascension
Here is the story of Earth ascending from 3D life into the 5D dimension. The Earth herself, is a great spiritual being in her own right, she is going through an enormous transition and evolution phase to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness (this is a more advanced level of living). This process is being done so Earth can realign with the rest of our Solar System in her ascension. Conditions facing humanity are going to change out of all recognition as a result of this transition.

26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?
The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for all life in the universe. This process is called ascension. The dimension is the 5th. Everyone and everything ascends when their energy vibration reaches a specific frequency of Light.

An Unseen Force Is Creating A New World
A hidden spiritual power permeates the land around us, and those of us who are willing to open up to it can access and feel it. I’ve just started to tap into it, and I feel it in its strongest doses when I’m in nature.

Nikola Tesla – Everything Is The Light – Interview With Nikola Tesla From 1899
Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with a certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said “Everything is the Light“. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. In this interview this greatest inventor and seer of modern time unravels a new vision of humanity which we, the light warriors of the first and the last hour have created a century later.

Seven Facets Of Spiritual Awareness
Here are seven facets of spiritual awareness which unfold as a result of daily meditation. Any technique will work. The Ultimate Meditation technique is particularly effective.