Tag: higher energy

As This Energy Intensifies
As This Energy Intensifies – Most of you Lightworkers and Forerunners have gone “first” in this Ascension process of trial and error so that you are experts in the knowing in your heart of this energy, how it works, and that you are the creators of your own reality based on the thoughts/perceptions that you choose.

Shift Symptoms While Going From A Carbon Base To A Crystalline Silicon Body
from the Book, “The Diamond Codes : Light Information For The New Reality” by Celia Fenn, Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been […]

7 Ascension Truths
There is an ancient Chinese curse that runs, “May you live in interesting times.” We are certainly living in interesting times—the time of Ascension—and it often feels like a curse. The physical, mental and emotional symptoms of Ascension can be debilitating for long periods. The anxiety, pressure and sense of always being on edge can feel overwhelming.