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Tag: immune system

ENERGY UPDATE – Where Are We At?

ENERGY UPDATE – Where Are We At?

By on February 18, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Right now we are in the LABOR stage of a very new RE-BIRTH in the Human – from our recent Galactic Re-Birth – BB articles 2-5th February Pts 1-3 As a flow and follow on from our Galactic Re-Birth. Now is NOT THE TIME TO PUSH! Here is a mini […]

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5 Reasons To Avoid Hand Sanitizers For Good

5 Reasons To Avoid Hand Sanitizers For Good

By on May 21, 2016 in Health with 0 Comments

The craze of antibacterial hand sanitizers is so prevalent in America that it is rare to find a supermarket or department store nowadays that does not have at least one pump readily available on display. Many people also carry a small bottle around with them in their purse or briefcase.

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The Best Cures For Ascension Symptoms

The Best Cures For Ascension Symptoms

By now, most people have heard of ascension symptoms associated with energy fluctuations and clearing in the body. As more photonic light is showered upon the planet, our bodies continue to clear out the old to make way for the new. Our bodies are morphing and expanding like a butterfly in a cocoon, and the emergence will allow the freedom to spread our wings and fly to places we’ve only dreamed of.

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Resonance – Beings of Frequency

Resonance – Beings of Frequency

By on October 29, 2015 in Awareness

This spectacular documentary uncovers for the very first time, the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. And, how every single one of us is reacting to the biggest change in environment this planet has ever seen. Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled […]

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Bruce Lipton – How Our Thoughts Control Our DNA

Bruce Lipton – How Our Thoughts Control Our DNA

By on August 13, 2015 in Science with 0 Comments

The common idea that DNA determines so much of who we are—not only our eye or hair color, for example, but also our addictions, disorders, or susceptibility to cancer—is a misconception, said stem-cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

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Understanding The Subconscious Mind: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Understanding The Subconscious Mind: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

By on May 18, 2015 in Awareness, Science

by TheUnboundedSpirit We are all aware that we have an inner mind which is called ‘subliminal’, ‘subjective’, ‘id’, or the subconscious mind. Freud was one of the first who gave an insight into the functioning of the subconscious mind, linking it with the causes of various diseases. Dr Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, termed the […]

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Am I Of Higher Frequency?

Am I Of Higher Frequency?

By on January 17, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Do you notice or even feel frustrated because the supplements, medicines, diets, and modalities that seem to work for other people don’t work for you? Do you do what most would consider “all the right things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?”

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