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Tag: insomnia

It’s Still Possible We All Live Inside A Hologram

It’s Still Possible We All Live Inside A Hologram

By on August 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Is our universe actually just a hologram? This idea has been floated around before, and isn’t just some trippy, somewhat horrifying thought one gets at 3am, perhaps along with (or as a result of) insomnia. Instead, it could very well be an actual physical property of the universe. And it may have been under our noses all this time.

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Spiritual Awakening Can Heal Your Sleep Problems Or Insomnia

Spiritual Awakening Can Heal Your Sleep Problems Or Insomnia

By on July 21, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Helen E. Williams, DreamcatcherReality  Our inner world is always triggered by our spiritual awakening. Therefore, we sometimes have sleep troubles and eventually insomnia. As you may know, sleep is a fundamental thing in our lives — and not getting enough of it directly affects our mental state and also the way we function throughout […]

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16 People With Real Super Abilities

16 People With Real Super Abilities

By on October 24, 2014 in Science

Have you ever dreamed about having super powers? Most likely if you are anything like me you have fantasized about having extraordinary abilities such as super strength or moving objects with your mind. We have found 16 examples of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities. Perhaps we are evolving into a world of zero limits.

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