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Tag: monoatomic gold

Jupiter Ascending: Is This Movie Telling Us The Truth In Plain Sight?

Jupiter Ascending: Is This Movie Telling Us The Truth In Plain Sight?

By on December 20, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

It has been known by many spiritual teachers that humanity is in the process of going through a dramatic shift in consciousness. This special event is often referred to as ascension. Ascension can be a confusing topic to talk about, because there are many different versions of ascension. This article will explore the ascension process beyond religion and the New Age and expose some shocking things about ascension and the movie Jupiter Ascending.

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Ormus And Monoatomic Gold —  The Manna Mystery

Ormus And Monoatomic Gold — The Manna Mystery

By on March 6, 2015 in Health

There are many mysterious and magical things that have been recorded in history. The Biblical manna, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Fountain of Youth, Orgone energy, prana, chi, the Holy Grail, the Great Pyramid and the Ark of the Covenant are a few of these things. It looks like these things and more might be related to a new class of materials that have been identified and described in the last few decades.

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