Tag: multidimensional

The Arcturians & Pleiadians – Merging With Your Fifth Dimensional SELF
Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields.

When You Are Visited By Deceased Loved Ones In Your Dreams
Have you ever been visited by deceased loved ones in your dreams?

Dolores Cannon One Year Beyond The Veil
It’s been a whole year since Dolores Cannon died. At the time of her death she and her work were more popular than ever. She was on the brink of releasing her 18th book. She had just completed teaching a series of courses that included the largest live Quantum Healing Hypnosis Level 1 class in history. There were more than 120 people in attendance. It was amazing to be there to witness the packed auditorium and the standing ovation she got just walking down the aisle that first morning. Almost exactly one month after completing those courses, Dolores Cannon passed away, Oct 18th, 2014.

How The Matrix Hides The Truth
With so many conflicting opinions out there, how do you know what the truth really is? How do you know what to align yourself with?

Higher Frequency Upgrades
We again have huge crystalline particles visible as we activate these cellular upgrading frequencies continually now. As we continue to move into the higher frequencies, solar flares cease and only crystalline exists. The frequencies change for us.

Journey Of Spiritual Transformation
As we move into the manifestation phase through the winter solstice period, the clearing and transforming of all trauma is of utmost importance. This is the key to choosing to relinquish the 3D dense duality consciousness of conflict and separation, and fully anchor in the heart of unity consciousness.

How To Recognize An Energy Vampire And What To Do
I will start off by saying that everyone that is reading this article has most likely had an experience with an energy vampire living in the type of society we do today.

What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com There are plenty of false light teachings that skew how the fifth dimension is tied to ascension. These particular tricks and spells were created in order to distract us from the true reality of being our multidimensional selves. As the imposed veil continues to thin, we are realizing the […]

Archontic Implant Removal
Recently, I participated in an Archontic implant removal. I’m very excited to share my experience because the results were so positive, and because I firmly believe the removal of these implants is the key to humanity’s liberation. Despite the crucial nature of archontic implant removal, this type of healing is pretty rare. Most people don’t even know who the Archons are, let alone what an Archontic implant is. My hope in sharing this information is to help increase awareness so that other people can activate their implant removal know-how, too.

A Galactic Surprise Is Coming!
Energetic events are happening behind the scenes that are shifting consciousness and realities that cause multidimensional timelines to merge or dissipate. Corrections are being made simply from our transmutation of energy in the NOW which affects all of time.

Heart Consciousness and the Body: Transforming the Physical Body to Higher Frequencies of Matter
Heart consciousness fully unites the soul with the body in pure harmony through the spirit. Through a heart-centered consciousness, our infinite and eternal being can be expressed within the physical body on Earth. It is the fullness of love and creativity unhindered by the duality density of incarnate life.

How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity
In order to explain how our world came to be controlled by a small group of beings we call the Illuminati, one should know the truth about black magic and how it is used on us against our free will.

Do We Need Our Chakras?
There has been some buzz lately about whether or not we need our chakras at this point in humanity’s consciousness development. Some are saying that they are now ready to consider either merging their chakras into one energy center and some say they are ready to dissolve their chakras. Others ridicule these theories all together, saying that we need our chakras as human beings in order to exist in physicality.

How To Survive As A Multidimensional Being In A Limited Consciousness
There is no handbook that explains how we are supposed to handle the phenomena that occurs when human beings on a planet begin to vibrate much differently from each other. On a deeper level we know that we are all connected. Until a major tipping point occurs that will shift us into a more comfortable situation, how can we continue to live together on this planet without going insane or causing harm to one another?

Going Within – The Door To Higher Consciousness
What does it mean to go within? This question is on the mind of most people who are awakening to the multidimensionality of this reality. Many people have different experiences but there is one similar thread that all people need to know about.