Tag: multidimensionality

Adam Kadmon Light Body Interview
I think many of you will find this article quite fascinating. The Adam Kadmon interview originally took place in 1997 and goes on to talk about many things we are experiencing today, such as time speeding up, raising our vibration, the great shift and much more. For the record, Adam Kadmon is a phrase found in the writings of the Kabbalah meaning “original man”. Enjoy!

144,000 The Language of Light
The following is an excerpt from Barbara Marciniak: The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as the Language of Light.

Energy StarGate Update – Ready For MORE Multi-Dimensional Access, Powers, And Gifts
by Lisa Brown, Yesterday, cosmically/energetically…. all came to a halt…. slowing down to zero point for “reverse field spin” to kick in when our StarGates fully activate sometime around 12/12. In this space it can be beautiful, yet for human’s this creates a void space that will fill with more light consciousness love when we […]

The Arcturians & Pleiadians – Merging With Your Fifth Dimensional SELF
Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields.