Tag: neptune

Aries New Moon- First New Moon Of The New Year! Ready, Set, Grow
March 27- April 2, 2017 Is the First New moon of the New year, there is a ton of power to start anew on this day. This week too, Mercury is in a harmonious connection to Saturn- giving us wisdom and focus. Mercury is shifting from its fiery Aries into let’s back up a minute change hater Taurus.

Uranus’ 2nd Conjunction To Neptune In Capricorn – The Rise Of A Generation Made One
by Melanie, Contributing Writer,In5D.com They call us Millennials, but what does that really mean? Other than a load of egotistical judgmental phrases. Those who know me have heard me mention the Pluto Scorpio generation (article soon to follow) multiple times and how all of us millennials share that aspect in our charts. Another KEY aspect […]

Retrograde Planets On Your Birth Chart
Have you ever wondered about the meaning of retrograde planets on your birth chart? To find out how many planets are retrograde on your birth chart, click the link below,, then read on!