Tag: physical reality

Energy Update – StarGates Alignment Of The Physical Body
by Lisa Brown, StarGates Alignment of the Physical Body/Physical Reality World Continually Synchronizing ALL to Higher Frequency Bandwidth Existences NOW The physical body/physical reality upgrades and re-calibrations shall continue to increase as we go. We are in continual Star-Gate alignment, continual crystalline activations, continual upgrade-mode, continual physical reality alignment, continual physical body upgrades/integration process that […]

Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?
Okay loves. We had a huge blast of PURE SOURCE LIGHT earlier (not the biggest we’ve ever experienced, yet powerful non-the-less. Seems this huge upgrade lasted 3 days thus far. Anytime we have PURE SOURCE LIGHT it activates dualistic human’s stuff to trigger to come up. There have been reports lately of many going through deep Atlantean cleansings, well…… here comes a huge one…

The Untold Story Of SELF
name withheld by request, It has been said that next to hunger and thirst, our most basic human need is for storytelling. -Kahil Gilbran Stories have existed long before recorded history, and the telling of stories has changed forms drastically throughout the ages. From cave painting to novels to movies, stories have always fascinated mankind. […]

Energy StarGate Update – Ready For MORE Multi-Dimensional Access, Powers, And Gifts
by Lisa Brown, Yesterday, cosmically/energetically…. all came to a halt…. slowing down to zero point for “reverse field spin” to kick in when our StarGates fully activate sometime around 12/12. In this space it can be beautiful, yet for human’s this creates a void space that will fill with more light consciousness love when we […]

Energy Update – As We Prepare to Enter Our 12:12 Gateway
We are nearing the activation of our 12/12 Stargate/Gateway… and a powerful one it shall be!

Energy Update – Quantum Timeline Jumps, Abrupt Awakenings, StarGate Activations And Time Travel
by Lisa Brown, “Crash Landings” are rocking many physical reality worlds for collectives who are awakening fast/expanding huge, staying expanded (we are supposed to) and then “unexpectedly” contracting back down into the physical where it’s “real” and not knowing/realizing how to navigate with ease. Everyone has to do this… repetition and understanding are key. This […]

Transcending Separation – Human’ness To Avatar Consciousness
by Lisa Brown, Your mentality creates your reality. Your energy creates. You are the SOURCE of all realities, for they originate, emanate and radiate from deep inside of you. “That out there” is your own hologram that has become solid so that you have something tangible to show you what you hold inside of you. […]

Bashar – The Fall Of 2016, A Time Of High Acceleration And High Manifestation
In this video, Bashar talks about galactic and planetary changes beginning in the Fall of 2016.

10 Mind-Bending Implications Of The Many Worlds Theory
In quantum physics—the scientific study of the nature of physical reality—there is plenty of room for interpretation within the realm of what is known.