Tag: physicist

Carl Jung – The Man Who Coined The Word ‘Synchronicity’
Have you ever experienced an 11:11 synchronicity? Psychologist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity, which many of us use on a daily or weekly basis.

Former Astronaut: Time Is An Illusion
In this mind-bending presentation, Ockels explains how ‘time’ is created by human beings, as a way our brains can make sense of gravity. The speed of light is constant, because it is made by us: it’s the clock by which we have calibrated our existence.

Consciousness Is A Mathematical Pattern
“As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as “food, rearranged.” That makes his answer to complicated questions like “What is consciousness?” simple: It’s just math. Why? Because it’s the patterns, not the particles, that matter.” -TEDx

Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library
Physicist Nassim Haramein talks about unlocking the truth to sacred geometry, fractals, the Mayan calendar, Crop Circles, cabalistic traditions, chakras, Sun Gods, God. Jesus and Freemasonry (more specifically, the Knights of Templar).