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Tag: processed food

100 Benefits of Ozone Water

100 Benefits of Ozone Water

By on April 12, 2017 in Health with 0 Comments

In the Hunza country high up in the Himalayan Mountains the average life expectancy is 120 years of age. 110-year-old men play sports with the younger men. They work 10-12 hours a day in the fields. Some live to be 130 years of age and more. There is no cancer, no heart disease, no diabetes, and no arthritis. What do the experts attribute the Hunza’s exceptional health and longevity? Their soil, water and food is different then ours. They don’t have the mental stress that we have. But the biggest contributing factor is pure ozone, the super oxygen that is found in abundance in high mountain areas above 7,000 feet.

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Two Free Smartphone Apps That Will Eliminate Monsanto, Aspartame, HFCS And Processed Foods

Two Free Smartphone Apps That Will Eliminate Monsanto, Aspartame, HFCS And Processed Foods

By on March 12, 2015 in Awareness, Health

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Despite numerous outcries for GMO labeling, no one really knows if the food they are buying contains GMO’s or not… until now. A new app called ‘Buycott” was unleashed in May of 2013 but was temporarily taken off the market because their server could not handle […]

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