Tag: psychedelics

Ascension – Preparing For What’s Yet To Come
It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event?

How To Deal With 4th Dimensional Entities
Whether we like it or not, entities are everywhere in the 4th dimensional field around us. If you’ve been drawn to read this article then I imagine you have already experienced the challenges that having entities in your field might bring.

My Experience With Ayahuasca
Ayahuasca is not for everyone. Sometimes the experiences can be frightening and extremely challenging. If you are the type of person who likes to keep your boundaries fixed and to stay within the status quo, then it’s not for you. However, if you are open to dissolving your personal boundaries to explore more of who and what you are, then an ayahuasca journey can provide a direct and powerful means to that end.

Terence McKenna – Everything You Need To Know About DMT
The following is an excerpt from Terence McKenna’s book, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution. McKenna believed that DMT was the “quintessential hallucinogen and consequently, the quintessential spiritual and magical tool of this dimension.” According to McKenna, DMT is a […]