Tag: shift in frequency

ENERGY UPDATE – You Are About To Experience A Shift In Your Frequency
by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, In5D.com “Stay focused on where you want to go in your life and how you want to feel. Don’t worry about the details of what you think life should look like. The Universe is infinitely wiser than we are, with our human point of view. Just know and trust that things […]

Transformational Frequencies Are Rapidly Increasing!
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Wayshowers, Starseeds, and Lightworkers, please read this information about the frequencies that have been rapidly accelerating on the planet. Can you feel it? While the world seems to be topsy-turvy and in a chaotic state, behind the scenes a beautiful cleansing is occurring. I have received and internal call […]

Who Is Guiding You?
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Djinns, genies, ascended masters, spirit guides, angels, and archangels are waiting to assist you when you ask for help. The question is: which ones will assist based on your resonance of vibration? Magic stimulates the inner child Two of my favorite television shows growing up were I Dream of Jeannie and […]