Tag: Source energy

Backdrop People: The Role of Non-Source Players or Soulless Ones
Dolores Cannon popularized the idea of backdrop people as, essentially, “extras” within the Earth experience. The notion that some people aren’t “real” might be a sensitive idea for some, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t reality. I should preface by also mentioning that, on some level, it kind of doesn’t matter — you should always treat everyone as you’d want to be treated, with love and kindness. That being said, this article will explore my evolving understanding about extras in the matrix.

Light Is Life, Energy And Information
We have understood and remembered light is more than electricity generation, it is life provider and information. It is a mode of knowing what has been known before as there is nothing new in the universe and without it you do not exist. It is the language of the crystalline light beings.

The Three Levels Of Learning Discernment
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Our consciousness is experiencing this lifetime in a holographic matrix, and we are existing on many levels and many places at the same time. Really, the only thing real here is our Source energy consciousness. However, in order to move out of this reality into one that is more […]