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Tag: tetrahedron

The Consciousness Of Water And Plants

The Consciousness Of Water And Plants

By on March 8, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, How is water and consciousness tied together and related to humans and plants? One of the original pioneers in water consciousness studies, Dr. Marcel Vogel, determined that when bulk water was in the process of freezing, excess energy is extracted from the water. At this point, […]

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Richard C. Hoagland – Elenin is a Tetrahedron and gets BLASTED!

Richard C. Hoagland – Elenin is a Tetrahedron and gets BLASTED!

By on August 19, 2011 in Science

Note: there is a disinfo campaign going on to spread the word that Elenin is disintegrating… this is not true!!! From Richard C. Hoagland “Stereo-B is one of two unmanned spacecraft NASA launched several years ago to study solar phenomenon; it is currently trailing about 90 degrees BEHIND the Earth … just outside the […]

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